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Weird/Scary Things That Have Happened To You

I'm a believer of ghosts after having my incidents at a few of my houses. The apartment that I'm living at currently is definitely haunted. A woman was brutally murdered in this unit sometime in the late 1970s. Everyone who lives in this unit sees and hears terrifying things. Our neighbors always try to laugh it off. Thankfully, I'm moving next week!

Non-paranormal situation: I was in the middle of a police stand off with one of my neighbours. He lost his job, has been divorced by his wife, and lost custody of his children. He started drinking and all of the sudden, decided to shoot at everyone's houses, including mine. This was back when I was fifteen and living with my parents. I was being home schooled and for about 3-4 hours, we were taking cover and almost getting shot at. I decided to run downstairs and grab a camera to record what was happening outside the window. A bullet flew right past me. It went through the garage door, through the bathroom wall, then ricochet off the bathroom window and fell into the toilet. What was scary was, I was in the bathroom at the time and the bullet flew passed me in front of my eyes and if I were a step closer, it most likely would've went through my head.

Surprisingly, I kept a very calm composure the entire time and was able to watch some of the action without getting hit. What's worse: I've had a fear of getting shot all my life and have a reoccurring nightmare about getting gunned down, so when this happened, it was throwing my biggest fears right at me. The man eventually killed himself at the end, which was really sad. No one else was hurt but our houses had bullet holes everywhere. It was insane.
About a year ago, I woke up and it was still dark. I thought I heard footsteps and I just laid in my bed, terrified to even move. Eventually I got the courage to jump up, grab my Flashlight Friend ( or w/e ) and run into the upstairs hallway. I pressed the stomach to turn it on and slowly moved it around. The noises had stopped and I thought the thing saw me. I dashed down the stairs as quietly as possible and into my parent's room. I woke them up and said, in a whispering voice, that I heard someone walking around. So my dad got up and checked the house top to bottom, finding nothing. They told me to go back upstairs and I when I was trying to fall asleep, I heard them again. They sounded oddly metallic, I thought and then I realized that it was our old heater. :rolleyes:
More spook:

This was year ago. I have a cat who opens door (if they aren't shut all the way, he'll push them open.) I was trying to sleep in bed after playing a little kingdom hearts. I heard my door creak and I was like "Oh yeah, Merlin's here for a cuddle c: " So i patted the bed to let him know he could jump up. The bed goes down a bit more than usual and the shadow of him was a bit bigger. I felt something jump on the bed and growl (which is weird. Merlin never growls. He's sorta made a low mew before.) I do have two dogs, but they both are outside dogs (as one kills cats and the other will run out the door at the chance.) I didn't think much about it, but felt something lay on me and it stunk to high heaven. Now, my cat can stink but not in this way. I still don't know what it was or if it really happened, but it felt so real.

About 3 months ago, I was home alone and went to start a shower. I heard my dogs barking and growling at something, but thought nothing of it. I heard banging outside (I was told my parents would be home soon, so I had the doors unlocked.) and suddenly it sounded like something broke. So, having anxiety, I thought /knew/ someone broke in. I felt a panic attack coming on and I pushed this cabinet in front of the door, turned off water, and called my bio-mom to come and get me. I look out the window for her and see a car in the driveway. at this point I was like "ohgod, please don't." and crying silently. After my mom gets to my house, I open the window and crawl out. The car was no longer there. When I got to my mom's house I just slept. I was very tired after a panic attack and crying. My grandparents (whom I live with) came to get me after I explained I heard something and panicked. I started to feel better, I clawled back into the window and moved the cabinet back. and my grandma yelled "WHO BROKE MY PAINTING" and I felt like I was going to vomit. They passed it off as that being hte sound I heard, but I know someone broke in.
(a little background; a few months before this, our neighbor would break in and take small stuff that we only noticed when we needed it. Called the sops, they knew it was them but couldn't prove it.)
There's no real reason to bump this. If people have nothing else to add then just let it sink.
My grandma's house is haunted, not like 'haha something fell over by itself' kinda haunted but like 4 people have died there,2 babies have been found buried there (so I really 6 people died) and there's a 'closet' with a suitcase that was there when my great grandma bought the house and no one knows what it is and apparently no one is allowed to open it??
There's other **** but I'd have to make a lengthy ass post about the horrors in the house. it was supposedly built in the mid 1800s on the grounds of a 1700 home and then it got rebuilt in the early 1900s.
one time i was about 6 and i used to sleep in the same room as my aunt. so one night she went to the bathroom, no big deal. i started feeling this licking sensation along my legs and hands. it felt really weird and at first i just brushed it off as it being rambo, a dog we used to have but is now long dead (rest in peace). the licking abruptly stopped, and then suddenly i hear this breathy voice say "get out..." and then i ran out of the room and slept in the living room couch for the rest of the night.

another time, i had this dream where i murdered my mom. we were in the kitchen arguing about something, but i cant remember what it was. she said something and i told her "sometimes i just cant stand you!" or something like that and then i grabbed a kitchen knife and started stabbing her. but then somehow, she jumps on me and starts chomping into me, like literally biting so fiercely into my face. it was weird.

i also had this dream, although this one is more recent. me and two other friends were in this huge church, and we were sitting in the far back. this strikes me as odd, because we were the only ones there, so it's a bit weird that we would be sitting in the back when there were other seats available. anyway, there's a man standing behind us. he begins to shake and foam at the mouth. we ignore him (?) . a nun comes over and places a hand on his forehead, which causes him to shake and foam more violently. at one point he falls to the floor, the sound of him shaking echoing over the church. the nun tells us to leave, and as soon as we're about too, the man turns to us and levitates upwards. he says something in such a deep and throaty voice, the whole church must be able to hear it. i cant remember what he says though, and it still really unnerves me, because no matter how hard i try to remember, i just cant figure out what he said to us.
I have a few scary stories that have happened to me but a random one that came to mind was something that happened a couple years ago. I was sitting quietly in my room watching TV or something and I heard this really really terrifying scream come from my sister's room. It sounded like something horrible happened to her but I was frozen in fear and all I could do was stay where I was. I heard my parents run in and talk to her so I finally went in to check on her and it turned out she reorganized her room earlier in the day and when she went to flop on her bed without turning the lights on, she forgot she moved it elsewhere and landed straight onto a metal chair. >.< Thankfully she wasn't hurt, just really surprised.
Not me but my aunt's story:
One night when she was sleeping in her apartment (on the second or third story if I'm correct) at 1:00 in the morning she hears a noise coming from her balcony window. So obviously she gets up to see maybe if its an animal that climbed her balcony and to her surprise the door is opened and a man standing there. Her first reaction was to say "Who the hell are you?" and the man looks equally surprised to see her and says "Aw man. My bad, wrong apartment..." and slowly crawls back out of her window. Needless to say, she started locking her doors.

Also my in personal experiences, when I was like four I woke up one night to see a giant bloodshot eye staring at me through the window. It looked like the scene from Jurassic Park when the T-rex is looking in the car. I ran to my mom and dad's room to show them but by the time they got there it was gone. I know it was probably my imagination, but I still avoid looking through windows at night.
Had a dream I killed my boyfriend once.

I woke up thinking it'd actually happened and I started panicking so hard and I called his cell phone.

I didn't truly believe he wasn't dead until he showed up at my house later that day.
One time when I was sleeping I had a very violent nightmare and in real life I punched myself in the face so hard it left a bruise.
When I was 12 I fell asleep riding a bike.
xxxmadison's avatar!

Something creepy has happened to me before, and it was really really scary. I was on one of those DS beat games, and I was playing a song with only female vocals, and I was the only one around, so I was freaked when I heard male vocals in the background. I experimented and it was ONLY near the air vents when I was at home! I think it was a ghost. Still unexplained. 3-4 years ago.
When I was about 11 or 12 I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shadow lurking above my bed and it flew at me and I threw up blood. I ran to my mom's room crying thinking there was blood everywhere, absolutely everywhere but when she brought me to the bathroom there was no blood at all and needless to say I slept in the bathroom for the rest of the night.
At around that same year, very late at night I saw a flashing light in the kitchen, it would turn on and slowly turn off and keep doing that, and I just stared at it until I heard a voice tell me "that's God". I was totally awake when it happened, no evidence to suggest I was asleep. I'd been having troubles sleeping and then it happened.
My bedroom is right next to a staircase and sometimes I'll hear footsteps in the stairs. I get this really sick feeling when I enter the basement of my home like it's a very negative feeling, like an active energy field of negativity, and once when I was coming back upstairs, I heard a male voice, and it breathed down my neck and I lost feeling in my legs and was pinned to the stairs.
Well, I can't prove any of these really happened. I suffered from paranoid schizophrenia but at least I'm not the only one that hears footsteps and locked doors being opened.
in Pennsylvania, when i was 5 or 6 my brother and i were messing around and we found a wooden board outside and i decided to make Plank from ed ed n eddy (i drew the eyes and smile on it with markers) and it was stupid. I WAS STUPID. a few days later i woke up in the morning and i was lying awake in my bed and i saw the board i made earlier (Plank) in my room. i had my head under see-through bed sheets and i saw it walk to the closet. i was so scared and confused and i still dont know why it happened. i dont remember what i did with the board after that but I POSSESSED A PIECE OF WOOD WHEN I WAS 5
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weird flashbacks when I drove on my bike in the rain at night a few days ago

I was driving when I saw a weird white door opening and it was flashing black and white pretty quickly and there were white lights comming from it and as I drove it came closer and closer and when I reached it it just disappeared

felt really weird tbh
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I forgotten how many people I had promised that I would share more. :)
I'll try to post some stuff tonight, lol.
I guess the good thing that came out of my dating a ghost magnet is the kind of neat stories.
I know I promised the parade of ghost and haunted school house story so hold on.