weird habits you had when you were little?

Nov 2, 2016
Pink Crescent Moon
Moon Bunny
Yellow Crescent Moon
Ocean Pearl
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Tail
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Red Super Star Trophy
i used to eat white/neutral coloured food only. bread, rice, milk, noodles, crisps, pasta, porridge and oddly enough custard. everything else i would refuse to eat.

what broke me out of this habit was being at a friend's birthday party when i about 6 and they had their fries and ketchup which i refused to try the fries with for the first 3 quarters of the party but eventually i tried the ketchup alone and i loved it so much i started to dip my fingers in it

i was a very weird kid
I always ate my food in a pattern. Like if we were having chicken, mac and cheese, and green beans I would have to take one bite of meat, one bite of mac, one bite of veg, and then a sip of my drink and repeat. I ate every meal this way.

I used to chew my hair and leave massive clumps in it that sometimes had to be cut out.

Then I went through a phase where my hands felt dry and chapped constantly so rather than asking for lotion like a normal person I licked them to keep them moist.

I was also an odd child
I'm sure there are others, but what came to mind first was my two year thing where I counted everything on my fingers. By that I mean that if I was listening to a song, for example, I would count the syllables or the words on my hands. I always wanted to see if the line of the song would end on the fourteenth count. So if something I was counting didn't end on fourteen, I would keep going through whatever it was until a line or sentence did. I feel like this makes no sense lol, but I was always doing it. I had to count everything I heard.
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I used to chew my hair and leave massive clumps in it that sometimes had to be cut out.
something similar to this is with my sister who used to want my mom's hair so she could chew on it while sucking her thumb, and she said that mom had the best tasting hair
i think we're hellspawns
When I was three or so, I always used to chew on paper. Trading cards, wrappers, coloring book pages, the crayons that went with the coloring book pages... Pretty much any kind of paper. Now mind you, I never actually swallowed any of it, I just chewed it. Also, It is not so much a habit as it was a weird extra, but when I was an infant, I was always crying and did not start talking until I was about 2 years old.
Picking my nose. And eating seeds out of those spiral shaped stickers you'd find in a field.
I used to chew on my school uniform collar/sleeve.. and hide/play under tables???
Eating stuff not together.. Like first potatoes, then meat and then the veggies or whatever random order. I still sometimes do that. Also being very loud and calling people weird things I guess ahah.
What comes to mind is that when I was little, I would taste and/or try to eat anything my weird head thought would taste good. There was play-dough, shells, sponge, paper, crayons... the list goes on. : P
I chewed on my hair for a while. When I was allowed to start grooming myself, I would always brush my bangs in a comb over fashion. Like an old man. I was somewhat of a klepto, stole many things, but nothing very pricey. Also, I used to bound and gag my toys because I loved the whole "Damsel in distress" scenario. But everyone thought I was a psycho anyways.
Putting sand on my crackers, sucking stones, making potions and playing dead (my fav....)
i used to chew on hoodie strings. ew.

this too or whatever strings on jacket-ish clothes haha.

also scratching myself in random places in front of people lol (like not down there or my butt but ya know stomach, arms, legs idk).
Run around in circles waving my arms making animal noises and chasing imaginary butterflies.

... oh when we were little? Uh. I had to do everything exactly three times. Even if it was painful or tasted gross.