Turnip Prices

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This whole week I was looking for a good turnip deal and in the whole week they were between 50 and 130. I had to sell them today for 60 bells a piece when I had 100. Can I do anything to control them?
No I'm pretty sure that its completely random. Mine usually sell for around 80, but just a couple weeks ago, Nook was paying 950 bells for each! I made about 500,000 bells that day.
Aren't you the lucky one. The last time that came around it was last week and i didn't have any turnips!
BASTOISE99 said:
Aren't you the lucky one. The last time that came around it was last week and i didn't have any turnips!
You could always cheat and use the turnip code.

Thats true but i'm trying not to cheat and its not like i need the bells. I have 2 million bells in the bank.
Thats nothing BASTOISE! This week I bought 400 turnips for 79 Bells each. And the highest Nook was buying was 39! I lost a lot of Bells. <_<
Anything that is not related to Nintendo/AC/TBT goes here. All rules still aply though.
Lol, that is logical enough. She is taking away business. She is like the stock market in the animal world.
I think the highest I got for a turnip was somewhere near 985. That was an awesome day. I paid off my final payments on my house with them turnips

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