Town name ideas for an all-squirrel town?


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
I've been doing a bit of brainstorming but my ideas have been...less than inspired. I'm trying to come up with a good name for a squirrel town that will be set in the autumn (that eight character limit is killing me right now!). Does anyone have any suggestions? Bonus points for originality!
Maybe Nutopia (mix of 'nut' and 'Utopia')? Because squirrels love nuts and I think Utopia explains itself :) I'm not very creative as well ^^
Squirrels huh. Well squirrels and acorns belong to each other, acorns grow on oak trees, and the Latin denomination for the genus of an oak tree would be Quercus. Looks nice, sounds good, and would probably be original. :)
Maybe Nutopia (mix of 'nut' and 'Utopia')? Because squirrels love nuts and I think Utopia explains itself :) I'm not very creative as well ^^

You'll never believe this, but I had that *exact* same idea for a town name! I'm definitely keeping it in reserve, I was just a little bummed that there were a few other Nutopias out there when I did a search in the Dream Suite (who knew!) but it's probably going to be kind of tough coming up with something totally original that hasn't already been thought of.

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Squirrels huh. Well squirrels and acorns belong to each other, acorns grow on oak trees, and the Latin denomination for the genus of an oak tree would be Quercus. Looks nice, sounds good, and would probably be original. :)

Ooo, this one has very strong potential indeed. Thank you for the suggestion!
You'll never believe this, but I had that *exact* same idea for a town name! I'm definitely keeping it in reserve, I was just a little bummed that there were a few other Nutopias out there when I did a search in the Dream Suite (who knew!) but it's probably going to be kind of tough coming up with something totally original that hasn't already been thought of.

Oh, I didn't know that there already are a few other Nutopias :)
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When I first saw the big,fluffy tails on the squirrels in this game it reminded me of that old Sega Genesis game Sonic and Tails(in the game ,Tails is actually a fox),so Tails might be a good name for your town.
I luv the idea of an all squirrel town!!! Hmm... Maybe Scratown (scrat from ice age) or Chitter (because squirrels make a chitter sound when they "talk" to you. )
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A pack of squirrels is called a dray or scurry. Maybe you could name your squirrel town Dray or Drayton or something of the like.
how about Nueces thats nuts in spanish or noix or Noisette something like that
Love Mick's suggestion of Quercus! If you have a second player-villager, you could name them Robur (Quercus Robur = a species of oak...the English Oak, to be exact).

While I think Quercus is the best idea, I tried to think of others as well. Going with the Latin theme, you could consider the word for 'squirrel' in different languages: Sciurus, Skiddel, Esquirol, Siksik, Gaturu, Shimura...


Good luck in your name deliberations--let us know what you decide!
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I like simple town names. I'd go with Chestnut. Or maybe something to do with acorns or oak trees. I get so annoyed when I'm going to other towns and I have to remember if I'm visiting Areliok from Elians or Vilomea from Irinil.
Ahh, thank you everyone for all your help so far! It looks like I'm going to have some deliberating to do with all the great ideas that have already been contributed. I'll report back when I've made my final decision -- 'til then, if anyone has any more names to add to the pot feel free!