Tips for catching Petaltail Dragonfly?


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2013
Hi everyone!

I've been trying to search for this dragonfly, I'm currently playing in September and it is 530 PM. I read that you can find them between 5-7 and in Aug-Oct.

Are there any tips that you guys use to find them more easily?

Idk if it's true but I found that if I hung around ponds/rivers with flowers near them and save/continued that they'd spawn in pretty quickly!

Good luck and I hope you found one <3
Yes ponds/rivers and on the beach is where you can catch them. If you run too fast they can cross to the other side of the river or over the waterfall on the beach.
Petaltail dragonflies spawn anywhere in the air, with no apparent preference for rivers or water bodies. They will either not spawn or be much harder to find if you have too many trees present. Unless you excessively planted trees beyond belief, they will show up in your town since there are enough empty spaces just around.

If you really want one and don't care about anything else, you can cut down every tree which will vastly improve spawn chances by increasing air spaces, and also removing chances for other common bugs to spawn.

You'll need to abuse the spawn system to have the best chances. That is, run circles around town, scare away or catch anything useless, and reset by entering buildings if you are getting bogged down in useless butterflies and grasshoppers over the map.
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