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TikaTown help wanted!


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2009
Throwback Tickets
<big>Top Left: 2leafclover
Top Right: Me
Bottom Left:
Bottom Right:

So TikaTown was a pretty town, until I deserted my game, and sorta cut down the trees (out of boredom) and all the flowers died =[ So I have decided to rebuild it! I have already started planting trees in lines, but I need some pears and some oranges.

If YOU want to give me a hand, I am in need of some good gardeners. You don't really have to follow any rules, just don't steal stuff, and you can design it as you want, my town is your canvas. As a reward of your efforts I will give you bells (name your price), or/and items if you want them.

To join, either comment or PM me saying which bit of land you want to garden (Top left, Bottom left or Bottom right), and how many bells you want for your efforts.

Thank you ^-^ xx
I'll help out! :D I have good orchard/garden skills so I'll do the bottom right corner. I have all fruit so I'll bring some of those. I'll add you in a min so if you want me to come right now I can.
2leafclover said:
c: ill help. If you want any designs down, i'm good at creating such things. Flowers too~
Okie dokie, I will add you =] You can garden wherever you want and do whatever you want. How many bells do you want? x
Poppygold said:
2leafclover said:
c: ill help. If you want any designs down, i'm good at creating such things. Flowers too~
Okie dokie, I will add you =] You can garden wherever you want and do whatever you want. How many bells do you want? x
Lets see...if no one has taken the top left or right, I can do that for you. :0 Uhm, my services will be prolly around 40k-50k bells?
50k is fine by me =] x Yeah you can do the top left if you like ^-^ Also, do you have any pears or oranges? If so could you bring a few? Thankies :3 x