The Woods Expedition

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Oct 27, 2016
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Tulip
Orange Candy
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Timmy Christmas Doll
Greetings members of The Bell Tree! I was told of your legendary candy cravings around these parts and I jumped at the opportunity to work with you in your search! You see, I also crave the sweet taste of candy and this time of year has the perfect opportunity for the both of us to find the sweetest candies of them all. However, it won't be easy. The search for candy will lead us right into the most horrible place around here... The Woods.


My name is not important, but what is important is the fact that I've been researching the infamous Woods of The Bell Tree for quite some time now. Although it may sound scary, I think we'll be quite alright on this expedition. All we have to do is follow this map I purchased for our trip.

At each region of The Woods, we will need to complete a task in order to get a piece of candy and to move on to the next location. Each area you conquer will yield a different type of candy.

Edge of the Woods


The Haunted Path

The Swamp

Forgotten Cemetery

The Deep Woods

We will also receive a temporary memento that will allow us to enter the next location. These will go away after our expedition ends.

Remember, The Woods is a dangerous place and not all who enter will make it out alive. But it should be fine. When you're ready, we'll be meeting up at The Edge of The Woods. It looks like it's guarded more heavily this year, so come prepared!
I'm scared. I don't want to see anything bad happen to the lovely members of our community...

Be safe everyone!
By the way, you may have noticed that we updated the candy backgrounds and have added two more colors of course. Also, this event will probably still be open a bit after Halloween, but we'll announce the exact time before it closes.

I mentioned this would be a "small" Halloween event, but it actually turned out to be one of our biggest yet. Oops!
So spooky! Good luck with your candy hunt guys!
By the way, you may have noticed that we updated the candy backgrounds and have added two more colors of course. Also, this event will probably still be open a few days after Halloween, but we'll announce the exact time before it closes.

woah. wHAT are those collectibles o:
Ofc the beautiful orange candy is at the darkest and scariest part of The Woods.

This looks amazing though, I love the banner to death.
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