The Eugene Rant

May 1, 2016
Tasty Cake
Yay, time to rant about a villager I hate!

I had recently started playing New Leaf again, and I saw this smug koala named Eugene walking about. I didn't realize he had moved in because I didn't spot his house on the map. Why didn't I spot it? Because he took Lolly's spot! Yeah! Lolly, one of my favo(u)rite villagers, had moved out. This, of course, made me very sad. I was planning to put a PWP in her hono(u)r on the plot where she moved out, like I'm doing for Punchy. But, instead, this useless sack of garbage named Eugene just plops his house right on hers! So, of course, I wasn't gonna let that fly. I took out my net and proceeded to beat him repeatedly. Then, I trapped him in a prison cell made of shovel holes and continued to beat him. I will not stop beating him 'til he moves out. I know that ignoring a villager is the best way to get rid of them, but I don't care. A beating is the only thing this useless koala deserves.

That's the end of this rant thingy! Tell me about a villager you hate!
I LITERALLY just wrote a thread/rant like this about that dirty sack of filth BAROLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DESPISE HIM!!!! No he didn't do what Eugene did buuuuuut he did move in and place his frickin plot RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENTRANCE/WALKWAY TO THE BEACH!!!!!!
I cant stand Barold...everything about him makes me sick...from his name to his dirty bear brows and 5 0clock shadow beard thing on his face. I hate his outfit...I just loathe him. Hes already moved in, and I CANT WAIT to give him his walking papers in a min and have one of my Dreamies move in via amiibo card (THANK GOD FOR THOSE!!!!)

sneaky lil f***ers comin' into our villages and ruining it all for everyone. I think they should be tarred and feathered and sent away on an island that they cant escape from..
Eugene is definitely one villager I hate. I'm glad he moved out of my town!! I also hate Barold, Patty, and Wart. Jr....but most of all....Jambette........definitely Jambette...
Eugene seems like he might be cool, I've never had him though. I sure am glad I haven't felt that sort of rage over a villager moving in!
Eugene is definitely one villager I hate. I'm glad he moved out of my town!! I also hate Barold, Patty, and Wart. Jr....but most of all....Jambette........definitely Jambette...

Oh my dear...ive had the JOY of having our mutual enemy Jambette as an OG villager in BOTH my towns!!!! Now....I don't like her either, and its not even her aesthetics that's I find so off putting...really I don't know EXACTLY what it is, its prolly a combination of things as to what makes up what I hate about her...

But yea so in STARLEAF, my 2nd, and newest town...i have the wonderful joy of both JAMBETTE AND THAT HORROR SHOW BAROLD...yay me...
noo eugene is such a charmer! ive always wanted him in my town

i absolutely HATE harry and his dirty sanchez stache though >:^(
He seems cool. :)
Personally wouldn't mind if he moved in unexpectedly.
I don't hate Eugene, his design is quite cool to me. Although he constantly looks really really smug with himself, which is probably really fitting anyway. Perhaps give him a chance, I mean he did move in Lolly's spot which is obviously very aggravating but he is a pretty cool looking koala, you may actually like him. I mean, he's definitely better than having Harry or Jambette move in. To answer the question though, I don't really hate villagers anymore unless they're an unwanted villager in my town or a void tbh.
This reminds me of the time Rizzo was a starter in my first town and didn't move for like 6-8 months. I have a burning hatred of him. I feel the pain of your experience. It can't ever be a cute villager who moves in or stays forever, it's always gotta be those strange ones.
Eugene is too smug looking... he has sunglasses >:c i prefer a smug like Marshal or Colton. not too overstated/flashy
and dat yellow nose, though. he looks like a freakin bird with a big beak
I had almost the exact opposite problem. Eugene was a very loved villager of mine but then this horrible rabbit named Bonbon moved in and took his place. She's not ugly but I definitely don't think she's cute and there are MUCH cuter peppies! Anyway I made a shrine in memory of Eugene and eventually managed to tt her out.

Also Jambette is an amphibian goddess how dare you
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I have so much hatred for Rocket still after she moved on top of my hybrid garden that I tried to "protect" with a few QR's and had a fairytale clock sitting in. Well she moved right over the whole thing and blocked the clock! Like really? I hated her so much. Despite all that, I knew I had to befriend her. Villagers move out faster if you are their friend. That is WHY all of our favorites ping us to move and not the ones we hate like Eugene, Jambette, Bonbon (to name a few on this thread haha) SYLVIA, EWWWW I hate her too... anyway like I was saying. I did this and started to ignore my faves, and TT every two days and she pinged me to move in no time at all. I ignored her, she kept pinging, but I did so so that she wouldn't say "on second thought" because then I would scream. But it worked. She's out and I have since protected the hybrid garden with another cheap pwp to avoid the same fate. I will never forget though. Seeing that ugly pink gorilla walking around that area made me red with fury. XD
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Wow that's frustrating!
I had Tex plot his house down on a ton of hybrids and bushes next to my Town Hall one time and I was so pissed everytime I walked by there but eventually he moved out n.n
i love Eugene! i have him in my NL town and he gives me free medicine after ive been stung by bees <3 he's a keeper.
I like all of the villagers. Except Klaus. I finally got rid of him in one of my towns, then he randomly moved into one of my other towns. Both times, his house was in a bad spot, and both times, he was very hard to get rid of.