The Clone Army RP


Retired Staff
Dec 3, 2004

Greetings Soldier! Were the Clone Army of the Galactic Republic. We have multiple threats targeted at the Republic that we must destroy mainly the CIS. Our main base is located in Coresant, but we have other bases such as Rhen Var, and kashyyk. We need your help to defeat these threats.
How to join:

1) give RP name
2) Give your rank

Commander:[1] commander of all army (can do anything)
Co-Commander:[2] Advisor to Commander (gives advice to Commander and can make major decisions with authorization)
Ace Pilot: [5] Top pilots chosen by the Commander
Squad Captain:[5] Commands squad of 2 commandos
Commandos:[25] Elite unit of clone troopers
Soldiers:[infinite] Regular soldiers
Pilots:[infinite] Commandeer vehicles (see below)
ARC Trooper:[35] Special fores unit not as trained as commandos
Jedi:[1]Must be chosen. This rank is only achieved from outstanding combatmanship on the battle field and a overall great sopldier.

TX-130 Fighter Tank: Basic fighter tank of the republic
AT-TE: 6 legged walker. very powerful assualt vehicle
Gun Ship: Large transport ship with rocket launchers and 2 front lasers, 2side lasers, and 3 rear lasers.
SPHA/Self-Propelled Laser Artillery: The artillary of the Republic
Jedi Starfighter- a fighter ship used mainly by jedi
ARC-170 Fighter- Main fighter of choice for Clone Pilots
Turbo Tank: Combat tank with 10 wheels. Can go through any terrain and has a portable laser turret
Republic Cruiser- Starship for deployment of fighters, and assaults heavy space assaults.
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser- Main attack cruiser
See RP Guidelines: here
Current Mission: Ok, we recently got a transmission from our base on Rhen Var. we have to go protect it form the seperatists. They have Spider walkers, AAT's, and there regular army. Leave when ready.

Commander: Arkon (me)
Co-Commanders: Artix (JJRAMONE2), Dsfanatic(DSFAN121)
Squad Captains: Caesar(BULERIAS), 3force (Triforce3force), TK (TORNADOKIRBY)
Commandos: Need Pants(PIKMIN042), Justin (Justin125)
NOTE 1: if you are a commando or a higher rank, you can drive vehicles, or be on foot.

NOTE 2: This is not a RP where you write missions. Post as you are on the field, and your moves like:

*destroys spider droid*
*moves on to entrance*

That would be one post.

NOTE 3: A new vehicle is available. Check the vehicle list