Stubborn Villager Won't Leave


Red Lantern
Aug 15, 2013
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
I'm at my wit's end with Beau. The cute little guy just won't move and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips to get him to leave?


Beau moved into my town in September last year. I got him from my boyfriend's town yet he hadn't played the game in more than a month and Beau left his town more than a month prior to that. He insists he never turned his wireless on but clearly he must have since this was his Beau; ugly shirt he'd given him and all.

At first I tried ignoring Beau. I only spoke to him once when he first moved in and that usually gets a villager to move pretty fast. After nearly two months of this I tried befriending him but that didn't work either. I remember reading that villagers with high friendship levels will ask to leave but Beau hasn't done this.

I even got rid of one villager thinking that might help Beau ping next. It didn't. He has been in my town for 5 months now and every single other villager has asked me multiple times each to move but Beau still refuses.

I've never had such a stubborn villager before. Is this normal or is something wrong with my game? I'm really sick of him blocking my pathway.
Is normal, my friend having the same problem with her Drake. She too, tried to be friend but he never ask to move. I guess keep n trying? Btw, she is using TT method and had been doing it for a week! Drake still have no signal of moving.
I know what you mean, only my favourite want to go....nooo...that will never happened lol
but need to get rid of 4 villagers to get my dreamies ....tough
Beau is a guy? Lol! Always thought otherwise.

Btw i have the same problem with him, he never ask to move :(
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It's a proven fact that villagers stay longer if their house was placed on a path.

Lol jk, sort of. I had to TT several months before Tex and Sylvia would leave. Just be patient, he'll move some day!
It's a proven fact that villagers stay longer if their house was placed on a path.

Lol jk, sort of. I had to TT several months before Tex and Sylvia would leave. Just be patient, he'll move some day!

Hahaha seriously! Sylvia in my town took her sweet ass time moving. Soleil moved after five months of TTing back and forth. She was in an awkward place in my path and I gave up and just accepted it. Finally when I started to like her, she pings to move! -_-;
Hahaha seriously! Sylvia in my town took her sweet ass time moving. Soleil moved after five months of TTing back and forth. She was in an awkward place in my path and I gave up and just accepted it. Finally when I started to like her, she pings to move! -_-;

That darn villager had your heart played out.