
Ac1983fan said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
*Blasts JJ With Plasma Cannon*

I've been itching to use that for a while.

*steals plasma cannon*
*shoots anyone who deosn't like this skin*
Sorry, but it's integrated into my body. You can't get it off.


But, for trying:

*Firest Anti-Matter Cannon At AC*

And that is worse than the plasma.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Ac1983fan said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
*Blasts JJ With Plasma Cannon*

I've been itching to use that for a while.

*steals plasma cannon*
*shoots anyone who deosn't like this skin*
Sorry, but it's integrated into my body. You can't get it off.


But, for trying:

*Firest Anti-Matter Cannon At AC*

And that is worse than the plasma.
*reassembles, only as spam... the meat kind*