Something you thought you would never do.

Actually, the height didn't bother me until just before we landed. I think we were even with the roof of the hanger (small airstrip, so only two stories high). At that point, I couldn't get on the ground fast enough.

It sounds awesome, but yeah I can see the landing being a bit scary depending on how fast the drop is.
I just crave that feeling of freedom it seems to give, to be on top of the world, away from everything, it sounds, and looks amazing!
Not sure if this is appropriate or not but I never thought I would lose my virginity before marriage. I grew up homeschooled in a very christian household. It was engraved in my brain that I wasn't allowed to do that until I was married to a Christian man. My parents forced me to wear a promise ring and would never allow me to go anywhere to hang out with guys 1 on 1 or go over to boyfriend's houses. When I met my second bf, I ended up rebelling and constantly lying about where I would go to my parents, and eventually did it with my current bf. I always thought I would feel so guilty if I did this, and I was terrified beyond words can describe. I cried the day it happened, when he drove me home. As much as I had wanted to do it, I was also sooo scared that my parents would somehow magically find out and prevent me from seeing him ever again.
But, I realized that it's honestly NOT a big deal. As long as you're safe, and you do it with someone you trust, that's really all that matters.
(mods feel free to remove if I'm breaking any rules)

I also never thought I would enjoy eating vegetables lol. I used to HATE anything green, but now I'm obsessed with adding broccoli, onions, zucchini, etc to any dish I can. c;
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I never thought I would be working at a restaurant in addition to martial arts this summer and working on my senior thesis, but here I am, doing all three every week now.
I never thought I would be able to drive out of state. Low and behold, my first road trip involved me driving from Nevada to New York by myself! (It took me 4 days of driving over 10 hours each day... and I also got my first speeding ticket in the process, heh.)

I never thought I would get married at a young age.

I never thought I would vape. (I did it to stop smoking cigarettes) Luckily now I've finally quit vaping as well, and nicotine no longer controls me, woohoo!

I never thought I would get the facial piercings I currently have now. (septum, philtrum, and vertical labret) As a teenager I hated my nose so I never thought a septum would be an option for me. I didn't like philtrum piercing as a teenager. And I thought a vertical labret looked cool but painful. All the old piercings I loved back then, I no longer care for. It's funny how our opinions of things, even something as arbitrary as physical preferences change and evolve with age.
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I never thought I'd be playing 4 instruments. But here I am, with some knowledge associated with flute, piano, violin, and guitar.

I never thought I would have close/best friends.

I never thought I would actually hike for 6 hours. But I did it!...twice now.

I never thought I would love to shop online.

I never thought I would go to a Panic! At the Disco Concert.

and the list goes on...
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i've done a lot of things i never though that i'd do
life is so unpredictable! ! !
for better or for worse i'm glad with where i've ended up.

i never thought id have a successful career or move so far from my hometown. i never thought id lose the friends that i felt i could never live without. i never thought id be as happy as i am now or as content. i caught a baby gecko the other day— he was smaller than a quarter. enjoy the little things in life!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I never thought I would vape. (I did it to stop smoking cigarettes) Luckily now I've finally quit vaping as well, and nicotine no longer controls me, woohoo!
congratulations on quitting! thats such a large accomplishment and im so happy for you!
Make bad puns. Apparently they aren't all as amazing as I think they are. Apparently I have a 70/30 ratio in favour of being good
Never thought I would contribute to society by working on a day I could have had off had I wanted it off.
Never thought I'd be listening to the music I listen to now.
Never thought I'd almost burn down a kitchen with my friends while only making tea. (Quite an interesting night I remember it turning out to be...)
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I never thought I would say "Let's ride the roach"

Don't ask
-Becoming an addict (but I’ve been sober from the worst things for almost four years now, so I’m proud of myself)
-Living past 14, let alone past 18! Still going strong though, even though it gets hard
-Have my own place to live (being poor is hard where I live, studio apartments go for close to $1500 a month lol)
Pretty much everything I swore I'd never do at 15 I've either done or want to do.
I never thought I'd be bisexual and would end up accepting myself for it and start coming out to people.
Never thought I would
- Drinking (but I only do that with friends)
- Vape (but just twice and promised to stop)S
- Travel with people for fun
- Roast everyone so hard lmfao including my family
- In a relationship; who has almost same life background as me. No regrets on this one at least I cud relate and all
When I was in elementary school, I always had mediocre grades, and I guess I never really thought I would ever have "good grades." Come middle school, I started putting in effort and a lot of my newer friends that I had made, did care about grades, and they seemed to have rubbed off on me cx. I'm only 15 right now, but I have had straight As since.
I never thought I would manage to live past my teenage years, I was born and have been sickly since (and unfortunately had a lot of self-loathing/negative thinking) but I've gotten better and started to care for myself much more than before now!

I never thought I'd get into a wonderful lasting relationship and the good friends I have by my side! I'm still a bit shy when talking to people but I feel I'm getting a bit better nowadays
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