[SHOP] Cashews' Minimalistic Villager Portraits

Aww man that's a bummer, is it because of the ABD interest scandal? Where do you find out the prices? Idk I might just wait then, that's inflation of over 100%...

I have an "official" thread for the rates right HERE. Usually people buy TBT at rates of 4M to 6M. If it goes higher, I'm going to go crazy.
I have an "official" thread for the rates right HERE. Usually people buy TBT at rates of 4M to 6M. If it goes higher, I'm going to go crazy.
Neat thread thanks! I've only ever seen 2.5 million since I've joined this forum, but granted I don't usually accept BTB or pay for anything with them so I don't keep tabs.

Wait I just noticed, your thread doesn't keep track of the BTB selling prices does it? It's just a spreadsheet of X bells at Y price? Oh
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No problem. Thought I wanted people to see the rates because they might not be able to calculate the right pricing.
hullo cashews, could I request a portrait for Punchy? :,) I will be paying in 5m, if you ever get around to it~

also, TBT rate inflation hasn't been because of the ABD notice, just people are willing to push it higher and pay for it :x
hullo cashews, could I request a portrait for Punchy? :,) I will be paying in 5m, if you ever get around to it~

also, TBT rate inflation hasn't been because of the ABD notice, just people are willing to push it higher and pay for it :x
This goes for you and any one else who made requests recently, I will write down your name and the villager you want! I just might be too busy to do any of them any time soon. So long as you're okay with an uncertain completion date, I'll add you to the list! I'd like to get back into making portraits but we have some big deadlines at work until Nov. :p

And thanks for the updates about BTB. I can't decide if it's worth the hassle to convert BTB to in-game bells and if inflation is this volatile I'm not sure i want to take too many gambles. I'll think about it

EDIT: For the record if you're really dying to have a portrait, you can offer me more bells or BTB and I could get it done sooner! For 15 mill I could get it done in a week or less. Just letting you all know your options
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This goes for you and any one else who made requests recently, I will write down your name and the villager you want! I just might be too busy to do any of them any time soon. So long as you're okay with an uncertain completion date, I'll add you to the list! I'd like to get back into making portraits but we have some big deadlines at work until Nov. :p

And thanks for the updates about BTB. I can't decide if it's worth the hassle to convert BTB to in-game bells and if inflation is this volatile I'm not sure i want to take too many gambles. I'll think about it

EDIT: For the record if you're really dying to have a portrait, you can offer me more bells or BTB and I could get it done sooner! For 15 mill I could get it done in a week or less. Just letting you all know your options

Yup, well aware but thanks for noting it! :3
Could I order Knox for 10m? I'd also be willing to cycle for any of your dreamies if you've currently got space. :)
Could I order Knox for 10m? I'd also be willing to cycle for any of your dreamies if you've currently got space. :)
I've added you to my list! Since you're offering 10m did you want a rush order on Knox, like within a week or two? Or would you like a more elaborate portrait with flowers or extras? I'd love if you could cycle for Merengue! She's so high demand and I can never seem to get one of my own ahah...
I'll try to get Merengue for you then.
Also it's just for a rush order. :) It might be a bit low, but I hope I can get my hands on Merengue in time.
I'll try to get Merengue for you then.
Also it's just for a rush order. :) It might be a bit low, but I hope I can get my hands on Merengue in time.
10 million is fine for a rush order, I'll try to do it in under a week! As for Merengue, feel free to take your time she's hard to come by. If you don't want to bother with cycling for her, that's fine! The 10 million you give me will help me buy her sometime soon!!
Thank you! Let me know when I can pay!
I only accept payment when the drawing is completely done and ready to be sent out! I usually send a PM or VM to the individual when I'm done :)
I can offer you the Aries rocking chair, the dragon suit, the dream catcher, the double-neck guitar and 1mil for Julian's? Let me know if that's too low <:
I can offer you the Aries rocking chair, the dragon suit, the dream catcher, the double-neck guitar and 1mil for Julian's? Let me know if that's too low <:
Yeah sure that sounds reasonable! I'm not sure when I'll be able to trade, it might be this evening (EST) or tomorrow morning/afternoon.

If you'd rather just spend BTB I can send the picture to you in under 10 mins! Usually ~40-50 BTB is about what people would pay for a portrait, the exchange rates change a lot tho so let me know what's best for you!
Oh wow! Actually, I'll send 20TBT instead of the 1mil, makes it a lot easier :)
I'll have to go to bed in three or four hours so if I don't respond I'm sleeping :D
Hi again! Um, could I purchase Whitney and Marshal's please? :)
hi there! I'd love to comission a portrait of Biskit (if possible with this tee: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/37/e8/2a/37e82ad27fe179c98ab1ce0d829ada5d.jpg) and holding a cupcake? I have this stuff from your wishlist: barbecue, carp banner, diver's hood, emperor's cap, frock coat, gaudi's lizard, girl's day updo, headkerchief, hinaningyo, hot plate, lovely bed chair end table and wall, paintball floor and wall, red horned hat, rolling suitcase, spooky vanity, stewpot, stuffed stocking, tam o shanter and shamrock clock. Let me know if that'd be enough or if you'd like anything else :)