Shark, or windsock?


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005
Big News!!!! Linkswindwaker (NSider Forums) has caught the Shark... he has a picture, and it looks to me like its more of a windsock (or whatever that thing is called on your roof.) he dug it up today (i think) and i hope to get a closer look at it.

if this doesnt work, go to the NSider Forums, look in the crossing guardian, and under "weird Fish" i dont know about anyone else but.... i want one really really bad.
Yah, I saw it, I can hardley see anything though, how come everyone else makes it sound like they can?

did you get my PM fish? I need your NSider name to limit confusion.
Yah, I saw it, I can hardley see anything though, how come everyone else makes it sound like they can?

did you get my PM fish? I need your NSider name to limit confusion.
I can see everything clearly! Oh!!! I know, at first it just says angelsomething, but go to the second page, and you'll see it.
PIKMIN042 said:
I hope there OK

I know. I'm getting worried. Aboiut TYOSHI mostly because smarttech complained about internet problems, and tyoshi just dissapeared.
PIKMIN042 said:
I hope there OK

I know. I'm getting worried. Aboiut TYOSHI mostly because smarttech complained about internet problems, and tyoshi just dissapeared.
I did a user search for TYOSHI on the Nintendo forums and he hasn't posted once since December. I too am now worried.

and how could Storm not see it? It seemed fine to me. A blue fish with a yellow tail and fin. He dug it up though and it had a glitched name.
I was able to see it the next day. Image Quality low was swithced on for some reason.
