Screw What I said


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2004
Screw what I said about the rev. Its gonna be SO AWESOME! I saw the teaster video and saw the controller for what it really is! I cant wait!!!!
JJRamone2 said:
Screw what I said about the rev. Its gonna be SO AWESOME! I saw the teaster video and saw the controller for what it really is! I cant wait!!!!
Wow, the Revolution must be very good. Maybe this is Nintendo's plot to rule the world...
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
JJRamone2 said:
Screw what I said about the rev. Its gonna be SO AWESOME! I saw the teaster video and saw the controller for what it really is! I cant wait!!!!
Wow, the Revolution must be very good. Maybe this is Nintendo's plot to rule the world...
Um, get real, Nintendo isn't doing that great in sales. >__>

And besides, it's EA that's taking over the world.
Nintendo isn't doing that well in America but this controller could help to change that assuming they announce third party games for it and a lot of them before the X-box 360 comes out, but that is just what I think....