School Poll


Retired Staff
Dec 9, 2005
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Well, it seems like a fair share of people have started school up again, so I figured I'd go ahead and make this poll.

(M' first poll, btw. =o)
I mean it is alright. It is work though, always is, building a better future for yourself

I've not gone back yet.
I have to enroll next... well the 4th.

To see if my subjects can be taken.
I pretty much hate all of the classes except for History / American Studies. The teached has ADD, she told us on the first day.

:p She's awesome.

The community, and people are awesome, I know almost everybody there.
It's ok. I like most of my teachers and classes. (Tuesday was the hardest I've ever laughed during a class) I don't like that I have gym every day with 43 other students.
Small gymnasium+ 44 kids+ no air conditioning= sucks.
Uber awesome. My American History teacher, is awesome. Always crackin jokes. He keeps telling us we're the perfect class cause we all have a sense of humor. And my English teacher reminds me of a person from harry potter.

Plus my original french teacher is back.

Started school, loving it. Physics is actually WAY better and more fun than I thought, World History is a breeze, Visual Basic is the epitome of easiness, English 10 is still crappy, and pre-calc is great.