Post your toe beans!



Tabby has somewhat unusual red toe beans while Judy has white ones.I've always liked Felicity's pink toe beans......just like a real kitty.
I definitely noticed and took pictures of villagers' adorable little paws.

7:18:20 Cookie paws.jpg
1:4:21 Raymond's Paws.jpg
4:21:20 Fang's Reading Glasses and Paws.jpg

So darn cute. I was delighted when I discovered that was a thing.

If we're documenting colors, Cookie's are bright-pink, Raymond's are sort of peach-colored, and Fang's are a purple sort of pink.
I hate de ja vu. I am too old (or just old enough?) to confuse my memories.

I feel like I saw this post a year ago when I started playing. Am I losing my mind?
Bumping this thread up as I would like to see some more toe beans!!!!

I always scream when I see the little toe beans it’s so cute 😂