Post something good that happened to you today.

My first class of the day was cancelled and as a result I was able to go get breakfast! On top of that, the cash register at the food place was broke so I got it for free!!
I FINALLY GOT MERENGUE! I've had ACNL since the moment it was launched and she has been my dreamie since day one. FINALLY, I got her!
I am getting a massage in an hour and that will be really nice, because I have chronic back pain.
not today but yesterday i handed in my dissertation (!!!!!) and today i went shopping and bought a cute dress and a lot of make up yay
I caught up on some reading for school today and I spent a lot of time on craft projects that I'm doing :) I made some pillows for my boyfriend's new room and I painted some little planters for my succulents.
I have been feeling useless at my placement but today they gave me a client to work with and design a decal for. It made me so happy to make the client happy! My boss praised me. ^-^
These shoes caught my eye and they were like $120 but I really loved them so I was gonna buy them anyway. So I went to go pay and was told they were on sale for only $40 and that was a pleasant surpise.
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I took the last of my graduation exams today which means no more school for me this spring :D
I am having my friends from high school over and we're going to catch up and have a sleepover :)
Some random number called me and I picked it up, and the guy on the other side started speaking spanish. Then I said,"No hablo espanol" and he hung up :). It was glorious.
This morning I fell asleep almost instantly after getting home, which NEVER happens. Even if it was because I had a huge migraine it was still great.
The charging port on my 3ds has been broken for weeks now and I got it to work finally after poking around inside. Let's see how long this lasts before I have to get it repaired for reals u_u
so i wasn't able to sleep at all last night cause i was anxiously waiting for BU to post up their admission decisions
They finally sent out their decision via bu link and I sworn I didn't login for a good two hours
only to find out that I WAS ACCEPTED
I worked my ass off for this and I finally got in
now im at peace <3