Post something good that happened to you today.

It's finally warm enough to have morning coffee outside with my Lulu ... And hummingbirds, and cherry tree blossoms ... All good things ... Did I mention "no rain"? That is a very good thing ;)

I finished all me weekend assignments yesterday and today so my weekend will be a bit less strenuous.

Also, free coffee!!
My brother found the pepperoni Stromboli I've been looking for in the freezer all week. I ate it, now i'm gonna be thirsty all day.
i got drunk? ._.

otherwise i got to be online at the same time as dae min now which means a lot cause we can hardly be otherwise due to timezones D: <
I'd had a bit of a bad day with lots of stressing about exams and things so I got home in such a bad mood. However my mum was right there with a pair of new shoes she'd bought me and they're really nice and cheered me up so much!
I found a rare flower growing in a big planter. The poor flower was overshadowed by weeds and a pheasant berry plant, so I dug it out and replanted it. Here it is now...hopefully it will grow big and strong now it has its own pot :)
I had loads of laughs with my friendship group, we've kinda gone through a rough patch and it was really nice to feel like it was like before the bad things happened. (:)
Erm...idk ;/

ACNL related: Got a hair bow wig and some music for cheap prices win-win!
IRL related: Erm I had chicken wings for dinner, it's Friday and no school on Monday?
my eyebrow lady went home sick without telling us so nvm about the eyebrows...........but im about to go shopping so thats good
I got to take a nap, eat junk food, watch t.v, and laze around. It's been a long time since I've had a day like that. It was great.
I started posting a lot on here again, trying to get more into the community and getting to know people!
Also I drew a really pretty picture! It's making me happy since I haven't drawn anything in two months because of an art block. <3
I finally played Smash with my co-worker. We haven't had time because we were both busyboyz2k16 and it was just a blast. Intense matches as well. :,)
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I finally found Felicity after campsite resetting for her all day yesterday. And that was when I gave up campsite resetting.