Poem I entered for a contest:

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Summer Nights~The Burning Fire:

At night
when all is dark,
light comes down
from above.

The light of stars
glowing fluorescent dots
displaying pictures
for all to see above the

blaze of a burning fire
that keeps the warm air at a constant.
Whilst toasting and Roasting
White puffs of sugar.

The taste of warm, melted chocolate
soothes the taste buds.
The marshmallows stick to hands
as kids cram them into crackers-
for a nightly snack, while the fire burns.

The pleasant breeze
Blows across the face
keeping them cool
all the while, the fire burns.

As the fire burns
friends and family gather
to enjoy a good time
and to tell stories.

It brings people together.
A scene in a photograph.
Displaying warmth and closeness.
All the while, the fire burns.
Bacon Boy said:
thekillingdog said:
Nice poem. It's original. What inspired you to write it?
The theme if the contest was summer nights, i'll find out if i win tomorrow.
Awesome. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you win, that poem deserves to.
Bacon Boy said:
The taste of warm, melted chocolate
soothes the taste buds.
The marshmallows stick to hands
as kids cram them into crackers-
for a nightly snack, while the fire burns.
This part makes me hungry. You did great.

I would have compared the stars to angels watching over them, protecting them, as they ate there marshmallows!
idk i liked the other poems better.
heh just kidding.
this is really good =]
you should win