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Pixel Art Dump( Price opinions needed!!!!)


I love potato Salad
Feb 21, 2014
New Horizons Token
Silver Mailbox
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
So I recently moved from New Jersey to Indiana, It was a tedious 14 hr drive @_@
I currently do not have "real" internet at the moment so i'm using my mobile hotspot, but I already used all the Gigs and its slow now (RIP) So I wanted to try my hand at pixel art for the meantime because I probably won't be getting internet until Novemeber and i'm ready to commit seppuku dear lawdy its one week in and i'm just like dead/done with life I dont even have tv RIP

So I literally have nothing to do, I've been sitting on a blanket in a room for the past week listening to music and thinking about all them poor life choices I made- cri-

Back to my topic, This is my first attempt at pixel art
I honestly dont even know what i'm doing and would love to have critique from people ;-; This took me a while to make, you would think on a 250x 250 canvas it would be easier NOPE this took me close to 3-4 hours- cri-
the two smaller ones took me maybe 1-2 hours ( not sure but it wasnt long at all) :3







So I got into Pixel art and well these are super fun HA, mostly because I have no internet, -cri-
Since I basically have all day to do nothing I just decided to do some pixels

Pixels do have a base price, bribes are accepted -cough- And RLC is accepted also if you want to do that COUGH JUST SAYING COUGH.
RLC Gets priority,
50/50 Price/Bribe and Character Design when choosing.





Extra charges for backgrounds/platforms do not apply for bribes higher that 500 tbt for 150x canvas and 600 tbt for 250x canvas.

Your pixel will be drawn on a 150x150 canvas or 250x250 canvas
Please note: The smaller version of the 250x canvas might not appear to be pixel looking enough, but the blown up version is nicer :D
Overly detailed characters are probably not the best unless you would like to be drawn on a 250x250 canvas, then these will cost extra
You will get a regular size and a zoom'd in version.
150x150 canvas starts at a base price of 300 tbt /2$
250x250 canvas starts at a base of 400tbt /3$

Lots of details/ how complicated it is will result in extra charges. I will judge and tell you How much it would cost if I accepted you!
Background will be extra tbt depending on how much detail is needed


Free background: Either Transparent or A simple color'd background with a white outline

Simple background with one item /repeated: Ie a flower, dessert,Clouds, leaves(etc) :25 tbt (.25c$)
Ie, the Flower background of Deru Drawing Or the Nightsky with Clouds.


Free: Nothing, Simple color'd shadow or gray shadow.
A standing platform: Grass, A plate with a dessert, A giant flower (etc):50 tbt (.50c$)

Order thing ;-;
i'll add up your total for you for details/ complications And quote them for you if there are extra charges for detailed characters If you're one to be chosen to draw, You then decide from here if you would like to continue with the transaction

This is not first come first serve, I will Chose what I would like to draw and give extra charges if they're needed.

I will not start unless payment is sent. Once the drawing has started I will not give out refunds.

[B]Canvas Size[/B]
[B]Bribe( Yes/No) [/B]

If you wanna do a RLC

[B]Canvas Size:[/B]

Chosen Slots/Extra charges were applied:



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This is amazing! I'd love to see more. No real complaints about this one, perhaps the tiny version isn't pixel-ish enough, looks almost like "normal" art.
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This is amazing! I'd love to see more. No real complaints about this one, perhaps the tiny version isn't pixel-ish enough, looks almost like "normal" art.

Nods, I see what you mean, that is actually just the "100%" zoomed in verison I think the reason it doesnt look pixel enough because I didnt change the canvas to 50x50 or 100x 100, I tried making it smaller but size 1 pen was to big for me HA xD this is a 250x 250 canvas but i will try to make it on 150 x150 next time!

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I love them! Make the legs a bit thicker though :)

O, I guess it kind of my style, I enjoy thin legs o//o hehe

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I love it.

Thank you :D I'm thinking about what my next one should be
I need to figure out backgrounds too, i suck at them ;-; -cri-

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I love it.

Thank you :D I'm thinking about what my next one should be
I need to figure out backgrounds too, i suck at them ;-; -cri-
absolutely love this! looks so vibrant and crisp haha, you're honestly one of my favourite artists on here:blush:
hope you keep sharing everything you do c:

these are soooo cuuuUUUUTTE!!

I don't mean to be rude or pushy but... would you take requests!? I mean, these are worth, I'd say, 50-150tbt? Depending on how detail you get. Like the first one under the spoiler, 100tbt easy and the second one like 75. imo... lol!

these are soooo cuuuUUUUTTE!!

I don't mean to be rude or pushy but... would you take requests!? I mean, these are worth, I'd say, 50-150tbt? Depending on how detail you get. Like the first one under the spoiler, 100tbt easy and the second one like 75. imo... lol!

Oh uh, I probably will do request :D and let me people offer ;-;~
I might have base price though, with added price for extra details, the first one did take me a bit for 100 tbt that might be a little to low >.<
I might have like 200 tbt base like the 2nd one I did for 200 tbt and like the one first for 300 tbt?
200 tbt base and if there lots of details a bit more.

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Oh uh, I probably will do request :D and let me people offer ;-;~
I might have base price though, with added price for extra details, the first one did take me a bit for 100 tbt that might be a little to low >.<
I might have like 200 tbt base like the 2nd one I did for 200 tbt and like the one first for 300 tbt?
200 tbt base and if there lots of details a bit more.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yup! Thats a good idea! And yea, I was like, this is AT LEAST 100+tbt!
Yeah, I would say that sounds right!
Save me a slot when you open ;] haha!
Oh my goodness these are amazing *v* awesome work!! I'd price around/at least 300 TBT ;-; they are definitely some of the higher quality works on these forums!
I finished the last of the pixel I personally wanted to draw, and now I'm not sure what to do, Maybe i'll do a shop or something ;o;
I edited the original Deru drawing And I like how it is currently for now, maybe I will change it again later on, I should think of a background for the boy ;-;~
these are amazing!! i've always wanted to do pixel art but always fail, i'm not really that great at drawing in general though :p
Thank you :D I need some price opinions! I have a spoiler of what my shop is going to look like ^^ please check it out!