Opinions on Christianity?

Your position on Christianity?

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I think it's great as long as you're not using it as an excuse to be hateful to people.
I think Christianity can bring both positivity and negativity to the world. If you follow the messages about loving and helping others and living in peace and try to bring light to people's life (which is the whole point of the bible in my opinion), then you're bringing positivity into the world. But people who take every single line of the bible literally and use it as a reason to hate people are just making people hate a religion whose golden rule is to love others. It makes me so sad when people make generalized statements about how Christianity is not accepting and stuff like that because it's so not true, some people just take it too far.
I don't mind religion. It makes a lot of people happy and have something to look forward to. The only time I really have a problem with it is when religious people try to shove their beliefs down others throats or when they use it as an excuse to have hatred towards certain things (e.g gay people). I believe that anyone can be respectful and kind and understanding of all people, religious or not and we shouldn't think religion brings negativity because there is negativity everywhere.
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