Money Making

BASTOISE99 said:
Gyroids make good money.
if you have like... 8 billion of them...

:p once, back in the day... like a year and a half ago... i collected every gyroid i could, then dropped them in front of my house... it looked like an army marching... so i called it my "Gyroid Army"

I enjoy fishing!

Other: Tornadokirby?!?!?! Cool! I'm the sister of the Triforce3force that goes on the forums most often. (That came out weird.)
PIRANHA2 said:
BASTOISE99 said:
Gyroids make good money.
if you have like... 8 billion of them...

:p once, back in the day... like a year and a half ago... i collected every gyroid i could, then dropped them in front of my house... it looked like an army marching... so i called it my "Gyroid Army"

Oh...Interesting. I wish you had a picture of that.
mmm said:
whats ur peeps problems


thats the only way to get the big bells
correction, thats the most boring way to get bells... seriously, i think i've had more fun clipping my toe nails than selling turnips...

anyway, fish/bugs are better... way more fun aswell

PIRANHA2 said:
mmm said:
whats ur peeps problems


thats the only way to get the big bells
correction, thats the most boring way to get bells... seriously, i think i've had more fun clipping my toe nails than selling turnips...

anyway, fish/bugs are better... way more fun aswell

Yeah, they are more fun. And a sure way you'll make money.

But with turnips, it's kind of a gamble. You never know what price will be what. Maybe 1,204 bells one day, the next 50.
ok i have several million from turnips

i just find a good date (800-1k)and use my friends card and buy like 1 mill worth of turnips

there we go now i am a multi BILLIONARE
Pie_Or_Die said:
ok i have several million from turnips

i just find a good date (800-1k)and use my friends card and buy like 1 mill worth of turnips

there we go now i am a multi BILLIONARE
*thumbs up*

thats pretty great... i stopped caring about money once i payed off my loan :|