Shop Looking For Wishlist Items!

So you want the Witch set? I don't have it but Gracie's selling them in my town; I could buy them and give it to you if you still need it.
That would be awesome! Is there anything you'd like from my catalogue in return / how many bells?
May I have your bandage, cat tank dress, ghost umbrella, rococo bed, rococo clock, rococo chair, rococo lamp, rococo shelf, rococo dresser, rococo sofa, rococo table, and rococo wardrobe? Things from your wishlist I can give you are (including additional bells if it's not enough), ribbon umbrella, sweater dress, chaise lounge, chic wall, cityscape wall, gray leggings, paper tiger, moth orchid, ninja sword, kettle, bug mask, folk shirt, and pilots cap. SOrry it's not much