Life Then {Role Play} {Sequel to Life Now} ALWAYS EXEPTING

"Wow..." I echoed. I stared at the large building in awe, my mind blank.

(Is the institute in good or bad shape?)
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(So it's in bad shape?)
"Inside I guess... Do you want me to carry one of them?" I offered, indicating to Jason and his sister.
"Nah. I'll carry them." He said, walking into the building, putting them both on the couch. Jason murmured in his sleep, hugging his sister.
Following him inside, I looked around. "I'm going to look around. Wanna come?" I asked Satishi. Forgetting about my collar, I unzipped my jacket a bit.
"Sure." He said, still staring at the collar. He tried to get closer to the collar, but remembered that last time he got blood over it, he was horribly insulted.
I started to silently walk down the dim hallways, exploring every room and closet. "Tell me if you find anything useful here." I said, walking ahead a bit.
"Alright." He said, searching around for stuff. He walked into Jason's room, looking in his cupboard for stuff. He was greeted by Jason's sisters stuff. Going red, he instantly closed the cupboard door. He looked around a bit, his movements slightly more cautious.
Walking into what used to be a nurse's office, I started collecting medical supplies. "Why's your face red?" I ask, walking into Jason's room.
"J-Jason stole a-all his s-sisters stuff and put it in his cupboard..." He growled, his face going even redder as he spoke, facing away from the cupboard.
"I-It's perverted! He probably stole it to play with it!" He growled, pointing to the cupboard, staring at all the stuff.
"Well, we'll confront him about it later." He said. "Hmmm, if he's a creep, I wonder what he's doing with his sister..." He giggled under his breath jokingly. He didn't randomly assume people were that perverted just by finding that persons sisters clothes in their cupboard.
"What are you looking at?" He asked, attempting to see out of the window too. "Something out there?" He said, the sun shining on the door, which had a small amount of paint peeling off.
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"Checking if the moon is full. If we can preserve Jason's sister, I'll have another chance to bring her back." I murmured, scooting over to make room for him.