Shop Letting people catalog my Rococo Set for 70k


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2013
0% (0) +
I'm willing to let others catalog my rococo set and campus set for those prices on the title.

Rococo Set includes:

Rococo Bed
Rococo Candlestick
Rococo Chair
Rococo Clock
Rococo Dresser
Rococo Lamp
Rococo Shelf
Rococo Sofa
Rococo Vanity
Rococo Wardrobe
Rococo Wallpaper and Carpet

I can also trade for some wetsuits/japanese DLC.
Message here C:
How cheap, you're charging people to pick up and then drop a number of items...
Very sly in my opinion.
How cheap, you're charging people to pick up and then drop a number of items...
Very sly in my opinion.

As opposed to charging them much more for the whole set?
I think a cataloging service is nice. I've bought a few from people- it allows them to keep the furniture they want, and allows me to order said furniture! I don't mind paying in the 70k-100k range for a set that someone would otherwise sell for three to five times as much.

Good luck selling. ^^
As opposed to charging them much more for the whole set?
I think a cataloging service is nice. I've bought a few from people- it allows them to keep the furniture they want, and allows me to order said furniture! I don't mind paying in the 70k-100k range for a set that someone would otherwise sell for three to five times as much.

Good luck selling. ^^

But it's an intangible service, what's more is you'll have to pay more than half of that just to get the set from your catalogue! I suppose if people are comfortable with it then whatever.
Idk.. I agree with Jarrad this is the first I've heard of exorbitant fees associated with cataloging. Usually it's out of the kindness of others or cataloging together to help complete the catalog. Rarity items aside, you just have to find what other people need to get sets that you want.
Yeah, I agree that charging someone to catalog stuff is...odd, and something I haven't seen done regularly in any other AC community. I mean, I guess if I were truly terrible at catching bugs on the island, I might consider doing something like this to make money...but then again, no. ;)
I'll happily pay 70k to catalog the set. I'll add you now.
I find it better to catalog it for 70k rather buying it from other people for 500k.

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P.S - can everyone who wanted it PM me? I don't check threads regularly.
Honestly, the whole debate seems kinda weird. I don't think it violates any forum rules? If not, then it's up to the buyers. If people want to buy it, then who are we to say otherwise?

Now, my personal opinion though is 70k? I can buy two whole sets with that, forget about catalog lol. Maybe Rococo is more rare, dunno...