Selling Island Merch/Camper Items/Hybrids/Other

@Donevor: Whatever you feel comfortable with :) I am available right now if you'd like~

@Evy J: Currently miracre has agreed to an offer with the last sea globe available unfortunately. I'll put you on the list just in case the offer doesn't go through though :blush: Would you be alright with that?
@Evy J: Added ^-^ I'll send you a PM if the Sea Globe becomes available or not!

@Donevor: Sounds great I'll get everything ready :D Be there in a bit~
I'm interested in buying a Cat Tower, Exotic Wardrobe, and 2 exotic wall shelves.

How much would you want?
@splendoras: Hmm, do you think 70k sounds fair?

@pikopuko: The only Sand Castle and Sea Globe available are pending with other offers D: Would you like to be put on the list anyways in case they become available?

Could you do 50k?

50k sounds fine to me ^-^ However my shops are closed for tonight and I need to order the exotic pieces ;u; Would you mind waiting until tomorrow? I'll PM you when I become available~

EDIT: Aaaaah it's past 2 am ;u; I'm sorry all but it's time for me to go to bed.

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