Is this considered normal?


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2016
Arcade Tokens
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
So I had recently got hired for a second job that was supposed to be one day a week. After I was emailed the job offer they told me to wait for an orientation email...instead I get a email for training 3 days before it was scheduled. Keep in mind this is on thanksgiving week and I also work retail. I had to go to a lot of trouble to get this day off for my supposed training day( I was already scheduled at my other job ) and I show up to realize they weren't even expecting me! The email confirming my training must've gotten buried on someones desk :/ I've never been in a workplace scenario like this... They were at least nice enough to show me around and try to work it out :) I realize they may be stressed with the holiday load as well but still....

I usually like reading workplace stories like this but it kinda sucks being on this end of it ^-^ anything similar ever happen to you?