If I can accomplish something like this,

No you listen to me,*censored.4.0*


That kid really thought he was a robot. Well it was but....

Robot gave him extra time for saying how much he loves robot!
Hahaha, i watched that when it came out, god damn it was so *censored.3.0*ing funny.
So all it would take for you to die happy is to string along an idiotic 13 year old for ten minutes? Don't shoot too high, Fabio.
Mino said:
So all it would take for you to die happy is to string along an idiotic 13 year old for ten minutes? Don't shoot too high, Fabio.
Yes, that's all I need.

Or, hold Megan Fox's (unmarried) hand for 5 minutes.
Fabioisonfire said:
Mino said:
So all it would take for you to die happy is to string along an idiotic 13 year old for ten minutes? Don't shoot too high, Fabio.
Yes, that's all I need.

Or, hold Megan Fox's (unmarried) hand for 5 minutes.
Yeah. Once they get married/deflowered, holding their hands just becomes dirty.