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i love you Ebay2!


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005
Throwback Tickets
i just got Mario Party 1 for 10$


thats cheaper than cheap


im so happy... cant wait til i get it

UltraByte said:
Pre-owned? Because some stores lets you get pre-owned N64 games and stuff for less than 10 bucks.
yeah, its pre-owned... i rarely go to game stores anyway... so yeah... E-bay is good enough, im fine with it being preowned, as long as its in good condition

You could've gotten it much cheaper at GameStop, used. There's no shipping, just the gas to drive there.

PIRANHA2 said:
PIKMIN042 said:
You could've gotten it much cheaper at GameStop, used. There's no shipping, just the gas to drive there.

which cost about the same as shipping

Nah... It wouldn't cost anywhere near that much...

PIKMIN042 said:
You could've gotten it much cheaper at GameStop, used. There's no shipping, just the gas to drive there.

I'd rather get it shiped. gas prices are outragious. I think that it is like $10 a gallon here. j/k only $3. still, i say shiped cause i'm lazy.
PIKMIN042 said:
You could've gotten it much cheaper at GameStop, used. There's no shipping, just the gas to drive there.

I'd rather get it shiped. gas prices are outragious. I think that it is like $10 a gallon here. j/k only $3. still, i say shiped cause i'm lazy.
Well, nobody here actually pays to drive.


'Cept maybe Sporge...
when you go to a gamestore you aren't guaranteed that they have the game you want (for older systems), but ebay always has it.
DarthGohan1 said:
when you go to a gamestore you aren't guaranteed that they have the game you want (for older systems), but ebay always has it.
I think that this thread is sorta past it's time. >__>
PikMino42 said:
DarthGohan1 said:
when you go to a gamestore you aren't guaranteed that they have the game you want (for older systems), but ebay always has it.
I think that this thread is sorta past it's time. >__>
That's true. This thread is old. I think it was first posted when I came back or something.