I can... EDIT!

BAMBAM! said:
better post some more, the posts in my sprite shop will be delelted

Not the first one.

:) One of yours will be, for flaming me for no reason.

BAMBAM! said:
lerts not turn this into a flame war...;)
Um, what flaming are you talking about? I, again, have no intention of flaming anywhere and it really gets me ticked off when you think that I flame.
BAMBAM! said:
an insult is flame, and don't say you don't insult...
That was not an insult, and it's a huge insult to me when you say I insult. Please stop being such a jerka ll the time. It's really gotten on my nerves as you can see.
You can edit? Bulerias must have changed it... he didn't tell me. <_<
You can edit? Bulerias must have changed it... he didn't tell me. <_<
He did, because 4,000 whatever is insanely high.
Well thats around wah it'll be like on the new ranks I think... so I don't mind.
Well thats around wah it'll be like on the new ranks I think... so I don't mind.
But, we mostly wanted the new ranks because then we get editing sooner. -____-
BAMBAM! said:
acutally I can find out if Storm Gives me acces to the Admin Cp for a while... :rolleyes:
He wouldn't even let me make polls for the... wait. :|

It's not going to happen, by the way, but wait a minute...