How often do you shave your face/legs/etc?

Guess I'm an anomaly but I shave legs and armpits every day when I shower. It makes me feel cleaner and smoother and at this point I'm used to the way clothing feels against freshly shaven skin, and it's a feeling I like. Not sure why that would be odd or a bad thing to some people but to each their own! I also get body waxing done every 6 weeks for other things.
I used to do that everyday, but whatever studies say about it, it seemed like it was growing quicker and thicker and sometimes I had to do it twice a day and it was never really smooth, so I started waxing instead which was much better but took way more time...and then I got lazy and said "to hell with it" nobody is seeing it anyway, so now I'm doing it just when I'm really fed up with it.
I shave armpits once every two days cause I can't stand the stubble at all.

Legs and private parts I do once a week or so. I can go two weeks if I'm not seeing my bf or it isn't summer.
I used to hate shaving my legs and would just let them grow out during the winter, but now I shave them every week.

It'd be nice if I didn't have to lol but my hair is pretty dark and thick, so it feels pretty weird when I'm wearing pants.
I only shave my armpits and only when they start to really bother me because sometimes shaving irritates my lymph nodes or whatever and it's actually really painful so I try not to risk it very much :T
I shave my armpits because I can't stand having hair there. My legs though? Nahh I'm rocking that Sasquatch look. I shave my face too because I can't grow anything other than a wispy rat-stache siigh
i used to shave my legs every week, but now mostly never. with pits i shave every week or so
women who shave their legs every week ........... seriously

i shave them when necessary

Relatable tbh

I'm lazy af when it comes to shaving my legs, I only do it when necessary or it starts to feel uncomfortable which is like maybe once every 1-2 weeks? My legs are barely shown most times so I really couldn't care less most of the time xD
I shave my beard when it gets to wild. It's nice to have some thickness to it during cold winters though.
Rarely. I don't see the point most of the time, and I just do it when I feel like "pampering" as it helps sieve off all the dead skin too when I do a scrub on my legs and shave them, so it's like a special just for me pampering thing. Armpits and other things grow as they will unless they get unruly then I give it a trim.
I shave my legs like never unless it?s summer lol
Luckily I?m not really hairy so you can?t even see it really

Armpits I shave frequently in the summer, probably every like 2-3 days in winter

And then the ?down there? of course but I won?t provide the details

I never shave my face lol
i don't shave my legs in the winter. i haven't shaved in over a month and my legs could put a werewolf to shame.
pits however, i continue to shave every 2-3 days or so.
Not nearly enough! I hate face fuzz.
I'm one of those semi-unlucky people who get a few sparse, yet creepily long, thick, coarse strands of dark leg hair (much darker than my head hair). In shorts/dress season I'll probably shave them once a week, but hardly ever in the colder seasons, unless I want to feel really smooooth in fresh sheets lmao. I shave my pits every 4-5 days, when there's some stubble that irritates my skin.
i stopped shaving once i discovered the amazing benefits of waxing.
soft/sparse hairgrowth that takes a long time vs. next day prickly hair with shaving <3 <3 <3
also pain is not rly that bad as u think

by myself i wax my pits about every three weeks and my legs about every 1.5 months
and professionally i get a Brazilian wax every month bc i cannot rip hair off down there...ive tried...its not a good time lol.