How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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Oh wow, the last time I checked here (which was maybe a year ago) the results were about 33% male/67% female iirc. I'm surprised to see the results shift even further away from each other
Mainly meet girls on here, only have 2 guys on my BF list. The rest are girls although I'm a boy myself. It is what it is, I guess B)
Im a female c: Though my husband also plays ACNL and so does my son (he's 3 but LOVES the idea of talking animals! xD) So right now its 1:2 ratio in my household xD Though I'm currently pregnant with a girl c; so hoping she would make it a tie! xD
I'm female but my BFF list is mostly girls, although that may be from comfort factor cx. I meet both pretty equally on Club Tortimer though :p
Girl here, although sometimes I get mistaken for a boy online.
female, even tho I'm very tomboyish lolo

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& i enjoy when people mistake me for a guy oops
I'm a transgender guy. I've noticed that a lot of my online friends outside of TBT are also mostly transgender guys. We flock together, lol
born a female, enjoy being called a male

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born a female, enjoy being called a male
Im a girl, but honestly i never gave too much thought about gender on the acnl community. In fact I kinda disagree with people that say that acnl isnt exactly a game for the "average guy".. in my experience acnl is actually very good at staying gender neutral. Besides, saying that acnl doesnt appeal to guys because its not 'action based' or similar, is the same as saying that the 'average girl' doesnt like first person shooters which is not exactly true, since most gamers, despite gender, are pretty interested in a big variety of video games! I guess thats just.. gender roles playing tricks on people tbh.
In the community, although it is true that ive had more contact with other girl players, ive never had an overall bad experience with anyone, so thats pretty rad about the forum!