Has anyone in TBT been affected by Katrina?

DarthGohan1 said:
this isnt funny stuff mino, it's serious.
I knew someone would say that, but I'm not making fun of anyone who has been effected by it or making it seem like it's not a big deal. I take offence to what you said.
sorry, but any jokes about this, even the not funny ones, aren't appropriate.
i didnt mean to be mean or offend you, or anybody.
DarthGohan1 said:
sorry, but any jokes about this, even the not funny ones, aren't appropriate.
i didnt mean to be mean or offend you, or anybody.
I'll let my cousins who were in Katrina be the judge of that....
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I'm fine here in Missouri, except for the gas prices. We're only 1 cent away from $3.00.
thats what ours was on friday

its gone up since then

dont know what it is now
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I'm fine here in Missouri, except for the gas prices. We're only 1 cent away from $3.00.
Wow, it was like that on Wednesday here, too.
our gas prices our usally 3.16 for regular. but one place had there grand opening with the gas prices being 2.45!
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I am lucky compared to all of you. I just saw the gas prices here, at they're $2.87. It's a shame that I can't drive, though.
Woah! You're lucky! Where I am it's like 3 something. I feel bad for the people in the 6s.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I am lucky compared to all of you. I just saw the gas prices here, at they're $2.87. It's a shame that I can't drive, though.
Woah! You're lucky! Where I am it's like 3 something. I feel bad for the people in the 6s.
Actually, this is going off topic, but today while doing some errands, I saw about 5 military supply trucks coming through. And, the exit ramp that I passed, there were at least 10 lined up there. I have no clue what that was about, maybe heading to the nearest base or something to resupply, I suppose.
A couple of years ago back in Vermont, I remember it being 1.50....