Global Warming

The Rutles

Senior Member
Sep 18, 2005
What do you think about global warming and are you happy with the United States' response to it? I'm not. Our government cares more about its cash than the fargile environment. We need mandatory scrubbers on our smokestacks and to increase funding for research on alternative fuels. Savvy? :mad:
Uhm, how about we do this... We don't lead this to a flame war, but just leave it as an intelligent discussion.
The Rutles said:
What do you think about global warming and are you happy with the United States' response to it? I'm not. Our government cares more about its cash than the fargile environment. We need mandatory scrubbers on our smokestacks and to increase funding for research on alternative fuels. Savvy? :mad:
I do agree that alternative fuels are needed...and car companies are gonna have som many hybrids out by 2009 we won't know what to do...also, H-cell cars could be out within a decade.
DarthGohan1 said:
The Rutles said:
What do you think about global warming and are you happy with the United States' response to it? I'm not. Our government cares more about its cash than the fargile environment. We need mandatory scrubbers on our smokestacks and to increase funding for research on alternative fuels. Savvy? :mad:
I do agree that alternative fuels are needed...and car companies are gonna have som many hybrids out by 2009 we won't know what to do...also, H-cell cars could be out within a decade.
Yeah, they are expected to be released for commercial sales as early as 2010.
i dont care about it, really, its not even our fault : \

a single volcano puts out more of that crap than we could in 10 years... really. its not a problem.
Global warming wont happen for a long time now and Im not saying that it shoulnt be of any concern but it wont happen in my lifetime.
Okay, I can agree on the alternate fuel thing, especially for more use of BioDiesel. If we use that to replace gasoline and possibly oil, that will save millions on our GDP that we would normally spend buying oil.
Monkey09 said:
Global warming wont happen for a long time now and Im not saying that it shoulnt be of any concern but it wont happen in my lifetime.
two points i'd like to make-1 in response to lonewolf and the other in response to smart-
1)global warming is happening right now. these hurricanes we've seen these osat few years are not normal. every 20-30 yrs., there usually is a slight surge of bigger, more pwerful hurricanes, but nothing compared to what happened in FLA last yr. and LA/TX this yr. there is a very good chance that global warming has heated the gulf of mexico, therefore causing these 'monster hurricanes'.

2)(on the alt. fuel source)-why is it that we -rely on other nations for our fuel and -give 100s of millions of $$$ to countries that we're fighting a war against? that is exactly why we need an affordable source that can be found here.
HyperShadowGirl said:
It is possible that we aren't even CAUSING the global warming. The Earth does go through cycles (ice ages, for example).
which is a great point, but the fact is, if we can somehow prevent this new era, or make it less extreme, we should.
DarthGohan1 said:
HyperShadowGirl said:
It is possible that we aren't even CAUSING the global warming. The Earth does go through cycles (ice ages, for example).
which is a great point, but the fact is, if we can somehow prevent this new era, or make it less extreme, we should.
Well, if it is one of the Earth's natural cycles, I don't think we should interefere very much. I mean, the animals and plants will adapt, just like they have before.
that is the major debate-humans have never had this kind of technology before, so we are not sure if we should act or let Mother Nature do her thing.