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id love a gift, and congrats on 2 years of dedication to this site! ^-^
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Happy 2-year TBTversary! I'd also like a gift if you're still giving them away. Surprise gifts are super fun.
thx so much is there any possible way to go again or is it a one time thing if it is thx for everything anyways!
thx so much is there any possible way to go again or is it a one time thing if it is thx for everything anyways!

Sorry but to try to accommodate as many people as possible and to be fair I'm limiting it to one trip per person... However I will be randomly (RNG) picking one user at the end to give the rest of the gifts to (assuming there are some left over). And you are very welcome ^^

Also I think that I will end this in about 2 hours at midnight est so if you want gifts make sure to post soon!

And a reminder: If anyone gets the grand prize ticket let me know so that you can claim your prize! (see OP)
Congratulations on being here for 2 years! I would love a gift please!
Would love a gift as well. Just joined here about 3 weeks ago, haha.
Thank you so so much!
Have a blessed day.


You are very welcome! Enjoy the gifts~

And I still have some to give away before I end for the night so don't be shy to ask for some ^.^
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Also I think that I will end this in about 2 hours at midnight est so if you want gifts make sure to post soon!

Contrary to what I previously stated I have decided to prolong this giveaway to tomorrow so that hopefully other people who may still want gifts can get them (I still have toooo many haha). I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause! I will be going to bed in a minute, but please continue to post and I will get back to you when I wake up! Thanks so much to everyone who has participated thus far <3
I would love to participate and receive gifts. Congrats on two years! I have added your friend code. Mine is in the sidebar and my town is Seaside. You are so sweet to do this!
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