Games you didn't like at first but gave a chance to


Nocturnal Scatterbrain
May 22, 2021
Arcade Tokens
Fortune Cookie
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
Planet Glow Wand
Space Whale Plush
Blue Rocket Pop
Shooting Star Plush
Basically games that you did not like at first for any reason, but played and either didn't hate as much or liked. I'll go first

-It was 2015 when I had my Wii U and was anxiously waiting for an Animal Crossing release for the console. I have seen youtube videos about what a Animal Crossing on the Wii U could be like and I just couldn't wait for an announcement to be made. My mom knew that I like Nintendo games and kept up with the news, so when she told me that there was not going to be an Animal Crossing game on the Wii U I was devastated. The reason why? The development team was busy making Splatoon. It's stupid looking back on it, but I started hating Splatoon before I even played it, because I thought that it took Animal Crossing Wii U away from me.
-During the summer of that year I had found the Splatoon Testfire, free on the eshop. Since I had no money and nothing better to do I downloaded the game to try it out during the Testfire and, I loved it. Later on I got to try the full game as a rental and I loved it even more! Got the second game as a rental but ended up keeping it because I could not stop playing! This game series is so fun, I even preorded Splatoon 3 so I could play on launch day!
-If I had went on hating Splatoon and never even playing it, I would have never found one of my favorite games of all time.

TLDR: I hated Splatoon for existing because I thought it took Animal Crossing Wii U from me. Actually played the game and ended up with a new favorite game series right along side Animal Crossing.
Oh I hated the Skylanders series because "It rUiNeD SpYrO!!!". My brother got Spyro's Adventure when it first came out, I still hated on it, but when my brother got into the game a bit more I found it to be very fun. I was shocked to find out that you can have up to 2 players, so I joined in and now it's my favorite Toys to Life game of all time.

If only it came back, but find a way to leave the figures out, that's what caused the game to fall off.
Definitely Stardew Valley. At first, when I bought the game, I didn't know you had to eat food to get your energy back up, so I thought you had a set energy level for the day, so I quit the game for about a year. Then, I picked it back up and fell in love with it lol
I'm having trouble thinking of any...
I've had a different problem which is thinking a game will be too hard for me so I don't try to play it myself. I felt this way about games like Splatoon, Undertale/Deltarune, and A Hat in Time, all of which I ended up playing eventually anyway and liking. With the only exception of still never playing Splatoon 1 because my Wii U is kinda not useable at the moment. Really want to play that game's story mode at least once, though...
Animal Crossing for the GameCube! I didn't see the point at first but slowly I understood if was a real-time game where you'd long-term goals you set yourself.
Actually Crash N Sane Trilogy. I still wish those were better but I had a kneejerk reaction to the art style, it still has a lot of missteps but grew on me as a fine alternatives to the original.

Believe it or not I’m going to second Skylanders, but it isn’t because I thought it ruined Spyro. I thought the first game was way too easy, and it is on the easy end but it’s become one of my favorite chill games and I can appreciate the pace it has which is more important than the difficulty. And Skylanders Superchargers I thought was abominable for the vehicles, but I think they’re okay now and I can appreciate the game a fair bit, it’s still severely lacking in postgame content though.
Portal. The constant (mis?)use of the cake meme got on my nerves to the point that I associated the game with unfunny/cringy jokes. Apparently, I read that even some of the developers got tired of that meme as well?

Anyway, it wasn't until I played the Portal level in Lego Dimensions that I really thought about giving the game a try, and I really loved it.
Portal. The constant (mis?)use of the cake meme got on my nerves to the point that I associated the game with unfunny/cringy jokes. Apparently, I read that even some of the developers got tired of that meme as well?
The overuse of the cake meme is one of the most tragic instances of media oversaturation, not only because it's had the rather vexing effect of turning people off from what is one the best games I've ever played, but because it loses a lot of its dramatic impact (as well as its comedic value) when deprived of pivotal context. It's your first indication that behind the pristine, monochromatic walls of the testing facility, something more sinister is afoot, but you don't yet know what it is. And when you finally reach the end, where GLaDOS attempts to burn you alive as she has doubtlessly done for countless others less fortunate, you think back to the one who wrote that iconic graffiti, who suffered all the same trials and tribulations as you, and met with the same betrayal as you and you realize that their first thought in this perilous predicament is, "Aw, man, you mean I'm not even getting cake after all?!"

As for my own response to the thread, the first one that comes to mind is probably the (pre-reboot) Hitman series. I just thought the games were rather crass with a tendency to blend violence and sexuality in a rather uncomfortable way. When the writing is trying to be comedic, it almost always fails to land. When it's trying to be serious, it ends up being boring instead. But beyond that, the games seemed needlessly hard to control with really obtuse level design. But then someone gifted me a few of the older games, and... most of my criticisms still held true, but I ended up enjoying the games anyway? I liked finding ways to disguise myself, or for added challenge, to do missions without the use of disguises. Blood Money in particular is a very open-ended game, where there's no singular correct way to solve a problem. The level design is open, perhaps to the point where it can be hard to know where to go at times, but this allows players to approach from a number of different angles. They're interesting games that require thought and strategy, but can also be completed using blunt force if you're willing to take the time to learn the unorthodox controls.

They're not my favorite games ever or anything, but they're fine!
Definitely the Shin Megami Tensei series. I thought it was creepy af at first, but I grew to enjoy it.
I personally didn't like Splatoon at first but it is a fun game. I refused to give it a chance because some of my Mario Kart friends left that game for Splatoon. I was still hooked on Mario Kart at the time, and still am. Splatoon put a bad taste in my mouth because I was bitter about the situation. I ended up giving it a chance in the end, sadly because the friends were asking me to pick up a copy. None of us are in contact anymore, though. It sucks because these were years of friendships that started because of Mario Kart.
Definitely the Shin Megami Tensei series. I thought it was creepy af at first, but I grew to enjoy it.
SMT games aren't really that horror like lmao, like nocturne only took me about a week or so to finish. Giten Megami Tensei tho is a whole other story not really safe for life at all lol.

OT mario galaxy i sucked so badly at it but after a while its now my goat of wii games long with the oprainfall triology.