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Funniest and/or worst ways you've died in a video game

Worst and most hilarious video game death for me will alway be in Assassin's Creed whenever you accidentally land in water. I find it so hilarious that Alta?r can't swim, because of all things for him not to know how to do.
Well...there's also Metal Gear Solid. I can't quite recall the exact point in the game, but there's this part with trap doors in the floor and it just got very frustrating for me. (The "SNAAAAAAAAAAKE" at the 'Game Over' screen is always hilarious too.)
I've been playing a bunch of Sniper Elite V2 lately, after getting it for free a few months ago. About the dumbest way I died was that I got ready to chug a frag grenade but miscalculated my throw. It bounced back and killed me.
Funniest: While playing Smash Run in SSB4 for the first time, I encountered an Orne. I wondered to myself, 'Would the developers really be such jerks to include an insta-kill enemy in Smash Bros with its full power?' So I decided to jump into it. Turns out- it was insta-kill. Also would be the time I encountered an Orne in one of those survival doors where I willingly KO'd myself so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

Worst: Players of Donkey Kong Country: Returns will know the agony of Roasting Rails. However, even worse is when you get the Kong letters you need- after about 50 lives of agonising through the level- try to make that jump at the very end, miss the timing ever so slightly, and plummet to your death in lava... That was the day I lost my inside voice.

Another happened earlier in Kid Icarus: Uprising. In Chapter 5, I was clearing out some of the enemies on intensity 8.0 in order to get some treasure, and was hoping to get the intensity gates for that level. In an intact Exo Tank (I was at quarter health), I foolishly drove near one of those bluish wheeled enemies, had it land on me and got insta-killed somehow. I was shocked. Needless to say- I didn't get that intensity gate.
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Funniest: Red Dead Redemption, four-horse-wagon over a cliff while drunk and pursued by no less than 5 lawmen. "Yull nevurr tek meh alurve, sherriffffff....."
Runner-Up: Any vehicle-tethered-to-a-plane-related death in Just Cause 2. Seriously. Any.

Worst: Butt-stomped by the Vanguard in Demon's Souls or the Asylum Demon/Stray Demon/Demon Firesage in Dark Souls. It's never not shameful.
Runner-Up: Falling to death in your own mineshaft in Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound (pick one). "Oops."

It took me 20 minutes to come up with this post. I kept getting distracted by Reindeer's signature. I don't understand it... yet I can't look away.
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Dark Souls = Getting absolutely destroyed by Artorias or Manus..

Dark Souls 2 = Rolling into the lava against the Old Iron King.
When I used to play split screen game for the first time with my young son.
Thought I was doing well but was looking at the wrong screen. Family had a good laugh.
xD I guess Terraria where the Golden Showers can kill you quite easily lol.

Otherwise I think once in TF2 was pretty fun because a friend walked into my game and like stabbed me at once lol
When I first played Ocarina of Time I didn't realize that if you kept messing with the cuccos they'd attack you, so that happened. I was on a platform somewhere and had nowhere to run to so they kept attacking until I died.
Funniest: (not "die", but "hit") Hitting myself with a blue shell in Mariokart Wii. Ahh the good ol' days.
Worst: Hitting the edge of a fence in Rainbow Road in Mariokart Wii and bouncing of and dying >.<
Funniest deaths for me were probably either getting flung high into the air like a rag doll in Skyrim by an angry giant, or in Resident Evil 4 after I'd unlocked the alternative costumes and Leon gets that hat move, shown here http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W7qbmrAZdR0 at 0.31. While doing that move with the hat thrown up a Plaga.B shot over and decapitated Leon, looked so funny.

Worst death was probably in one of the Dragon age Origins DLC trying to kill the Harvester on nightmare, just because it was so frustrating and I died quite a few times. it took me forever to finally do it and get the achievement.
Funniest: In Ocarina of Time, the game glitched when I dismounted from Epona in Gerudo Valley and put me on the side with the cliff...so I fell through the world infinitely. I guess I didn't "die", but I had to reset the game because I just kept falling.

I did die when I fell through the world in Elder Scrolls Online back in beta (close to release), when there was a glitch where you could also fall through the world. Yea...once you finish falling through the world and then some, you hit the water and die. >.>

Worst: When I was running a nuzlocke/blindlocke of Pokemon Platinum, and though there were numerous deaths and a couple times when I had only one or two surviving pokemon and had to rebuild my team, we still made it to the E4. In fact, my team managed to beat the E4...and then we had to face Cynthia.
Props to my scyther who ate a flamethrower to the face from her garchomp and survived, but garchomp and spiritomb destroyed my team.
So close, yet so far, and the only nuzlocke I've ever failed...and it was right at the champion battle.
Funniest: Gonna go with any of the times I fell into the abyss of the secret platforming stages in Super Mario Sunshine. It takes so long for Mario to fall the proper distance before it counts it in as a death. Usually a good laugh.
Worst: Etrian Odyssey III, I went into one of the walled off portions of the first floor, thought I could take on one of the FOE's. Was sadly mistaken and grossly under prepared. So I just waited until it finally petrified all of my party.
Funniest: Glitched through the pole on the Space level in Sonic Adventure 2 and shot down to the Earth at top speed with Sonic's unconvincing "ugh!"

Worst: Accidentally pressing Triangle in the middle of a major boss battle in Persona and losing.
Falling in Mirror's Edge always scared me, not only because it was a first-person camera angle but also because I was afraid of heights. It felt like I was really falling. :( The worst might have to be in Limbo though. There are terrible ways to die, but running away from the giant spider and then getting impaled by it's legs was one of the worst ways to die in a video game in my experience.
Funniest deaths for me were probably either getting flung high into the air like a rag doll in Skyrim by an angry giant, or in Resident Evil 4 after I'd unlocked the alternative costumes and Leon gets that hat move, shown here http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W7qbmrAZdR0 at 0.31. While doing that move with the hat thrown up a Plaga.B shot over and decapitated Leon, looked so funny.

Worst death was probably in one of the Dragon age Origins DLC trying to kill the Harvester on nightmare, just because it was so frustrating and I died quite a few times. it took me forever to finally do it and get the achievement.

Basically the above. Actually, every way to die in skyrim is basically a field day.
Funniest would probably be in Assassin's Creed 3. I dropped down from a building, not knowing there was a guard right below me. Ended up landing right on the guard, killing him (accidental air assassination), then proceeded to get mowed down by his guard dudebros as I yelled how sorry I was. They didn't listen.

And yeah, I agree with Fire Emblem deaths as the worst ones at all times.
Bad: Losing the first rival fight in Pokemon Gold/Silver
Worse: Losing the rival fight at the end of victory road in a Pokemon game
Even Worse: Having literally all of your troops die in one chapter of Fire Emblem (I'm really bad at it XD)
Absolute worst: Dying in the last stage of the final boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Those cutscenes, jeez)
I got a funny one (technically not a death but more of a loss and is a cutscene): If you end getting 4th place or lower in Mariokart 64, your character sees the beginning of the award ceremony, sadly drives off in the distance, then gets blown up by a bomb kart. Interesting way to show that you lost.