Flight Rising General Thread [Registration: 8/15 - 8/20]

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Got a nice Lvl 25 Gen1 coatl ^-^ She even has 2 genes and all named children!

Someone was selling a couple of G1s and I got this girl to be my plague rep.

I like how the crimson stain darkens up the green primary/secondary colors and makes it look a little more plague-like. What's really nice though is that she was also hatched last year on Feb. 19th, my b-day! Just need to find better apparel and maybe a plague accent for her, cuz right now she's looking pretty nature-y
while looking for fodder i sniped these two pure gen 2 imps from the ah for 2 gems each. i know the autumn colored one was originally purchased for 1000 gems so i'm not sure why they wanted to get rid of them. i'm tempted to keep the autumn one since she fits my lair perfectly, but i need the gems for a gilded crown so i'm going to try to resell them both

I've got a bogsneak scroll brewing that'll be ready tonight, and then I will have brewed every Level 16 item! (and should bump up to L17 too when the scroll is ready)...

how much further is it worth going with the Baldwins levels?

and how long does it take these days to sell bogsneak eggs and scrolls??
I've got a bogsneak scroll brewing that'll be ready tonight, and then I will have brewed every Level 16 item! (and should bump up to L17 too when the scroll is ready)...

how much further is it worth going with the Baldwins levels?

and how long does it take these days to sell bogsneak eggs and scrolls??

once you hit 17 there's no reason to keep going because there's no recipes at level 18 and beyond.
I've got a bogsneak scroll brewing that'll be ready tonight, and then I will have brewed every Level 16 item! (and should bump up to L17 too when the scroll is ready)...

how much further is it worth going with the Baldwins levels?

and how long does it take these days to sell bogsneak eggs and scrolls??

bogs eggs & scrolls usually sell within a day as long as you have the lah listing. i'd say it's definitely worth it to max out your experience. you can make a good amount of money brewing genes & reselling and there aren't recipes for lvl 21 yet but there will be in the future, like the people who were maxed out when bogs were released made thousands of gems
these new savannah and safari genes aren't bad, but i liked them better when they were called "thylacine" and "peregrine..."
^I'm confused why they even released them, when a couple weeks ago they had people vote for the tapir genes? When are those going to be released then? Those goat kitties are kinda cute though.
my Baldwin's cauldron brewing is up to Level 17

if anybody needs something brewed feel free to CR me the mats and the cost and i'll brew it up for ya!
We should have events on here. What do you guys think? Maybe every Friday we host a dragon dress up or something idk.
We should have events on here. What do you guys think? Maybe every Friday we host a dragon dress up or something idk.

weekend events would be fun. maybe in a new thread?? (i've often wondered if it would be useful to have multiple FR threads here with different purposes, instead of one ginormous 1000+ page thread...)
weekend events would be fun. maybe in a new thread?? (i've often wondered if it would be useful to have multiple FR threads here with different purposes, instead of one ginormous 1000+ page thread...)

I was thinking of making a new General chat thread bc Nikita isn't that active anymore. That way someone or I can control the thread titles and such
-pokes in-

although i'm in light nowadays i can't wait for greenskeeper, most of the skins are usually nice unless staff there gets whiny again lol...
Decided to add to my subspecies collection with this zombie:

He's in my friend's lair though tending to a nest of 4 more zombies (if anyone wants to buy one lmk)
Decided to add to my subspecies collection with this zombie:

He's in my friend's lair though tending to a nest of 4 more zombies (if anyone wants to buy one lmk)

whoa, your derg looks a lot like the diplomat sent to my lair by the Plague Flight.
his name is ConsulZombius:

Bleh gotta save up for like 5, 6 maybe 7 old dergs x.x good thing prices are down but ugh smh wish I hadn't so much fan dergs and those I have a are female that I could change names on lol. Transdergs I guess tho.
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