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Favorite Pokémon starters

My favorite starters are as followed:

Gen 1- Charizard
Gen 2- Megarium but I typically choose Cyndaquil whenever I play the Johto games because how well it does in battles.
Gen 3- Blaziken first and then Sceptile
Gen 4- I like all four equally and rotate among them every time I start a new game.
Gen 5- Emboar
Gen 6- Delphox and Greninja. I want to like Chesnaught but Quilladin’s creepy blank stare freaks me out so much that I can never choose Chespin as my starter even though I like it a lot.
Gen 7- Decidueye and then it’s Primarina and then Incineroar
Gen 8- Again I like all three that I rotate among each of them in every save I create.
Gen 9- Quaquaval. I like the others as well but I choose Quaxly more often in the saves I have created.
My favorite Grass-type starter is Rowlet. Birds are my favorite types of animals on the planet and owls are cool, Rowlet itself is adorable, and its final evolution Deicudeye is cool in both its standard form and Hisuian regional form.

My favorite Water-type starter is Squirtle since Blastoise is, aesthetically, my favorite final evolution starter just based on design. I'm not all that fond of its stats, but Mega Blastoise helps a bit with that.

My favorite Fire-type starter is Fuecoco since I absolutely love Skeledirge; the Fire/Ghost dual-typing, the concept, the overall design including the little fire bird on its snout, it's just so good.


If we're just counting the first forms themselves and not factoring in their evolutions, then my list would be Rowlet, Litten and Piplup.
this is def based on design and not how good they are stat-wise

fire: scorbunny, im so weak for silly bunny pokemon 😭 10/10 design from starter to final evo. i love him so much

grass: chikorita, pretty much the worst starter stat-wise, which is a shame because she has such a pretty design 😭 being flower dinosaur is so cute

water: a toss between totodile and popplio! popplio is a personal one as i shiny hunted a female popplio for quite a bit, but finally got one on my 13th shiny :] i also love totodile as it was my first ever starter (i started with gen 2) and the evo + shiny are SO good 🥹 I might shiny hunt a female totodile too once i have the time and energy!
Mine are somewhat predictable.
Grass: Sprigatito 😺🌱
Fire: Litten and Fennekin (although I despise Incineroar's design) 😺🔥🦊
Water: Popplio or Piplup 💦
Not a fan overall of water types in general tbh
Cat water starter when? So I can have a whole trio.