Expand your Music tastes


Band: Katzenjammer
Genre: I actually don't know, so many of the songs are completely different...
Location: Norway (songs are in English)

Album: Le Pop

1. Overture
2. A Bar in Amsterdam
3. Demon Kitty Rag *notable*
4. Tea With Cinnamon
5. Hey Ho On The Devil's Back
6. Virginia Clemm
7. Le Pop *notable*
8. Der Kapit?n
9. Wading In Deeper
10. Play My Darling, Play
11. To The Sea *notable*
12. Mother Superior
13. Ain't No Thing

Old taking back sunday! Music for the lonely soul!! MY LIFE. < album >tell all your friends

Also chocking victim(not a band anymore) is great if you want some fun ska d: < album> no gods no managers

Brisbane bands are really badass too my fav is I heart Hiroshima, they are great :D < album> tuff teef
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This is one of my favorite songs. I went through a spell where I would play it on loop, nonstop.
My family and boyfriend hate it because of that, lol, but it's so lovely so... Why not share?

(If you saw the cartoon short Omelette with the little dog cooking for his owner, then you'll know the song.)