total a-hole
I suggest to shorten the Bell Tree's domain name to go to:
You can shorten it to:
You can shorten it to:
Daaa....PIRANHA2 said:ahh, but more letters makes you look professional.
i dunno... whats TK stand for anyway?
No. It's possible.PIKMIN042 said:Domain, I meant... >__<
I can make like a free one (no not geocities or any of those)AC1983FAN said:But you need to buy a domain with invisionfree.JJRAMONE2 said:I agree make it be tk or if possible .com
And Domains cost a lot. As much as $10,000+.
When I went to a .tk site, it gave me some ads...STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?
Actually its $10 a year.AC1983FAN said:that's usally per month, though.STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?
Plus tax.
just sign up!lolSTORMTROOPER88888 said:Actually its $10 a year.AC1983FAN said:that's usally per month, though.STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?
Plus tax.
This is really cheap and I'd do it and get a .com name, but I don't have Pay Pal.
That's interesting...STORMTROOPER88888 said:Actually its $10 a year.AC1983FAN said:that's usally per month, though.STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?
Plus tax.
This is really cheap and I'd do it and get a .com name, but I don't have Pay Pal.
I got some, but it's worth it.STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?
I might make a webiste with links to TBT though. That way it's not actually TBT so no advirtisements.fadio said:I got some, but it's worth it.STORMTROOPER88888 said:Domais only cost like $10 actually.
But with the tk, I think you get a lot of advirtisements right?