does the character of your mayor change?


Hello? Yes, this is Kess;
Jul 29, 2015
so when I first started my town, my mayor was very official and I aimed to make her look very high-class and I had the town very, very organised, then I went through a phase where I was kind of at a loss of what direction I wanted go in so my mayor was very cute. Had on a baby outfit then a rilakkuma outfit, and the town slowly started to change. Now I think my mayor is a lot more humble and the town is very foresty and the house is changing now, too. My mayor still has cute outfits.

SO, have you had an idea for your mayor that you've stuck with? Did you start your town wanting a witch mayor and that's what you still have? Did you start with a super cute child-like mayor and have now changed to something else?
When I started my town, I want to go for a cuter look, and I've found an outfit that I personally think is adorable and I'll probably keep it on for a while, even during summer. c:

(It's a long-sleeved QR dress with the little crown)
At first I really didn't want my mayor to look stuck up or wear fancy clothes, but I've warmed up to Gracie a bit since then. I'd say my mayor looks a lot more mature than when she took office.
Started out as a sloppy boy because I did not care, at first. Then I went for the more "sophisticated(?)" look with the HHA jacket.

Now because of summer I went back to more boy-ish and I have a good tan to me. I will likely be a pirate for the Halloween season, I love pirates.
Charlott started out as a hapless dork in tee shirts, shorts, and boots. Now she's more of a chilled out park & rec manager more than a mayor. She runs around in a raincoat most days, but has a portlandia modern hippie vibe with her other outfits. The look like she shopped at thrift shops for her clothes. (Tacky sweaters with skinny jeans and vintage looking polka dot dresses) She's the kind of person you'd meet in real life who owns a tiny home and is obsessed with gardening. She does have more formal clothes for when she actually bothers to do mayor stuff.