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Do you use your real name or a made up name?


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2014
For your character, do you use your real name or a fake name? I typically use "Sarah", my real name, but I want to switch it up since I am resetting my town... but I'm not so sure what to use, so I'll probably stick with "Sarah". What do you guys use?
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Personally, I always use made-up names since I personally like envisioning the character to be somebody I like to make up :) Since I draw and type alot, creativity for different character's always comes first to me when a 'character creation' mode is involved. Personally, I never knew why I never made a character based upon myself. Perhaps it was due to me feeling I was inadequate or 'boring' compared to lots of different characters I could cpossibly create :) Then again, I usually implement a bit of myself within my characters so I guess I am not totally 'out of the picture' if you will lol I find it cool that you use your real name, since my real name is coincidentally Sarah as well xD I guess I just want something to 'Stand Out' in a way, and not be with the norm.

I have been recently though, been wanting to implement a character that 'represents' me but is not fully me. Something of an alias if you will.
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I don't use my real name. It's a really common name and I find it quite boring though a lot seem to like my name. I rather use different names that sound cute or have a meaning behind it.
My real first name is Bas and my ign is Bassy. :D Changed it up a little to make it a bit more playful and befitting this game to my opinion.

Now the question 'why'? I'm satisfied with myself in real life and I love talking to people on a more personal level. Even back in the day when I used to have different nicknames, I would share my real name to the people I was playing with and they would speak to me by my real name instead of my character-name. Especially when being in a gaming guild and using things like Teamspeak and Ventrilo.

You could say I really don't see a difference between meeting/talking to people in 'real life' and in-game. I treat them equally and am myself around them. I appreciate all relationships equally and try to enjoy them as much as possible.

Guess you could say using something that's close to my real name is representative of that. And there's a tad of 'loving-to-joke-around' in there. :)
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I've always used my real name (Sarah too!) because 1) I'm not that creative but 2) I like to think of my character as myself, so it makes sense for her to have my name :)
I've usually used my real name, but when New Leaf was still in the making I decided I wanted to use a different name. I went with my mayor and town names because they came from one of my favorite video games of all time (Majora's Mask).
While I haven't really done anything to my town to make it seem LoZ themed, I still wanted those names cause I liked them better than my real name.

When I lost my file with Termina on it, I bought a second copy of the game and just named that mayor after myself like I usually did.

What's weird was when I played Animal Crossing for the GameCube when I was little, I made all my characters boys (I'm a girl IRL) and just chose names I liked. I don't know why I only had guy villagers. My very first one was named Trever.
I like to use my real name. It's a habit that has stuck with me since I was a kid, but I just like being addressed by name. It keeps me "in the game."
I just used the first letter of name 'B' lol 'cause that's a nickname of mine and its easy
I used my real name because I didn't really put much thought into my town, I just wanted to start it. :p If I would ever start again or reset I probably wouldn't use my real name.
I use a made up name. I don't care for my real name.
So, I wouldn't want to use it in a mock fantasy life of mine.
My last Mayor name was Zombie, before that it was Beatrix.
My next Mayoral name will be Birdie, because of reasons :)
I used my real name. If I were to reset my file, I would still use my real-life name.
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R is the first letter of my real name....
Cookies is a nickname I use in almost every account I make :p
I used my real name, but with a star next to it B)

Previously I was mayor Mami.

And before that, Mayor Greninja.