• Guest, can you feel the love in the air? Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree has begun with a new mini-event featuring four activities to enjoy -- new and returning collectibles are up for grabs! Dive in to the love here.

Do you talk to your pets?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Friday the 13th Candy
Blue Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Rad Balloon
Fresh Balloon
Purple Violet
Sweet Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Orange Balloon
Blue Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Do you talk to your pets?

How do you talk to them? Gibberish? Noises? Full blown conversations?

How do your pets react to your communication with them?

For me I have always whistled, in different notes and tones for each, to get my many dogs and cats attention over the years. (I currently only have a single kitty). They all knew their own set of whistles. Mind you, not loud piercing whistles, just a series of notes that each pet in the house knew belonged to them and they somehow knew to come running for attention, treats, or play time.

Do you have a specific way of "talking" to your pets? Does it get a response from them?
I guess so? Sometimes I will just meow at my cats but other times I will comment on what they're doing even though they can't understand me. I assume they have figured out the tone when I am trying to get them to behave, but I am not sure about anything else I say to them.
Yea! I talk to my dog like a child lol. When my dog was still relatively young he would respond to certain phrases like "baby boy", he'd be really excited and stuff. Now that he's old he's not as excitable anymore and really only responds to food-related terms hehe. Still, he's able to pick up other sound cues like whenever the car arrives in the garage. He gets a lil excited and trots towards the garage.
Oh, always. All my cats know their names, know my voice, and will do the little blinky love eyes at me when I use a certain tone with them which melts my heart into mush. Having a cat (or dog!) around and NOT speaking to them seems strange to me... like would you just pet them or cuddle them yet fully abstain from speaking directly to them? Certainly I'm no expert but animals learning your voice and recognizing your tones seems to be an integral part of bonding, at least in my experiences.

Plus they all need to hear "I looove youuu!" at least 10x per day every day or they might forget. 🐱
Oh absolutely always. My kitty is family and he knows how much he is loved. He is there for cuddles and comfort. The blinky “I love you” that Oblivia mentioned does melt your heart. There is an unspoken connection with pets that is a bond that can’t be explained unless you experience it.
Always! My girls to me are my family, friends and babies. Spanky, responds most of the time by chattering or some form of meow even when she is sleeping. She does it when I talk to her a certain way. I don’t have full conversations to them like I would with a person, but I’ll talk to them like tell them I think they’re being cute or to specifically Jewels (my calico) to not knock my stuff down when I’m trying to sleep or not to “bully” her sister since she likes to wrestle with Spanky to steal her spot on the bed.
most definitely! i feel like i talk to my cats more than anyone else most days 😆 i seem to always use a cutesier voice when speaking to them and i’m always hyping them up or calling them cute nicknames. i don’t have full on conversations with them or anything but i’ll talk them through their routine or what we’re doing next (something along the lines like okay girls let’s go play and then we’ll have a little snack etc)
I talk to my cats. I keep it simple since they probably don't understand 80% of what I'm saying. It feels like I'm scolding one of them most of the time lol since he likes to do stuff he knows he's not supposed to 😂

I do say hello when they enter the room and bye when they leave. I also say thank you when they stop doing something the first time I say no.