Do you like ReCaptchas or AI For Anti-Spam?


Top-Level Animal Crossing Lover
Jan 8, 2025
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Do you prefer there being Ai for antispam or you having to select an image or enter in text every time. I think a (re)captcha is more efficient but it is annoying.
I don't mind the enter letters or tap pictures of bicycles but having to check my email or phone for a code is so slow and inconvenient. It's just laziness on my part tbh lol but why do I need to check my email for a code to login? Just log me in with the username and password. I know it's for extra security, but it still is a pain. I guess it would be more of a pain to get hacked but, you know what I mean haha.
i don't mind either of them, since it's for security. what i hate though, is that there's some that are complicated for no reason! i guess it's necessary but still.

there was this math captcha that i had to do a while ago and i was like "pleaseee, i just wanna play some games. i don't wanna think about math right now 😭 just give me some damn photos to click instead of this..".
I'm not quite sure what the AI alternative is here? I'm definitely familiar with the captchas, though. The captchas honestly vary in quality. Some are okay and some are just bad.