Debate forum

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
you can't call a forum fun until you get one :no:

But really they are great poeple can talk about big things such as religion, Abortian, War withlut worrying about imature posts, it would require moderation though.
Me said:
I'd like for one to come into existance. The point of it would be to ague over certain issues, (Or whatever), and encourage annilizing the issue extensivly. The goal is to have the best post (or posts) in the topic. Topics can be started only by mods or admins (There will be a thread to use to suggest a debate), and the person with the best post (or posts) at the end of the alloted time (determined by the suggester. Maximum 5 days) will receive a gold prize (Ammount determined by the suggester. Also, they must cover half of it.) What do you think of that idea?
The point of a debate board is for poeple to post in a board where they can talk about anything with no leet talk or flaming posts. If you don't want to talk about religion then don't post or read it. If they are mature enough to be in that board they should be matrue enough to control themselves.
Becuase then what is the point od debating really? I mean gaming is all opinion. Or more then other things

Who is better Mario or Link?

Which game is better?

BAMBAM! said:
Becuase then what is the point od debating really? I mean gaming is all opinion. Or more then other things

Who is better Mario or ]
i wouldn't mind the board, if we had more than 5 people that could stand to talk in it : \

really, we cant have one... too many people here are immature idiots, imagine talking about your religion, just to have some ****** come up and say "YOUR RELIGION SUCKS"

how would that make you feel, great enough never to come back.

thats all it takes and this place is gone.
PIRANHA2 said:
BAMBAM! said:
Becuase then what is the point od debating really? I mean gaming is all opinion. Or more then other things

Who is better Mario or ]
i wouldn't mind the board, if we had more than 5 people that could stand to talk in it : \

really, we cant have one... too many people here are immature idiots, imagine talking about your religion, just to have some ****** come up and say "YOUR RELIGION SUCKS"

how would that make you feel, great enough never to come back.

thats all it takes and this place is gone.
then how about making the forum url acses only. If the admins feel that you are worthy. Boom your in.

But I see your point.