*curses everything on this earth*


Retired Staff
Jan 15, 2005
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Do you guys wanna know where've I've been?

Well, it all started when I came home from school yesterday (September 21st.) It was really hot, and I change as soon as I got home.

;) Well, some little kids from across the street came over to play some video games, and we played Halo 2 for a while (they got their butts whipped. :p.) Anyways, about 6 o'clock or so, my mom comes up and tells them that it's going to start raining soon and that they should go home before the rain comes. Well, I didn't think too much of it, so I went downstairs to get my backpack to start the homework, when I look outside and do a triple-take. Bearing down on us is a super-cell, with a bunch of lightning n'stuff. Yeah, it hits, tons of lightning, green sky, darkness, wind, rain, hail and the works. So, I'm sitting there watching it, wondering if it'll pass over, I'd seen that it wasn't a long storm on the radar, but who knows?

Well, as I was sitting there, we hear the tornado sirens, so we go in to the basement. About 5 minutes later, we lose power and are forced to light some candles. After a while, the storm stopped (But there was still tons of lightning, like almost constant.) I hear some people outside and see my friend Nathan skateboarding around. I see two uprooted trees and two trees that fell over. Anyways, I look around, I see that we are one of the few houses in our area without power, and across the street they have power. We get a radio working and we hear that at least 10 houses were demolished and one person killed and that more storms were coming. >_< As we went inside, the tornado sirens went off again. I ended up sleeping down there until I woke myself up at the usual time of a quarter to 6. I had given my mom my DS for an alarm clock, and I learned from the radio that my school was cancelled. Well, I spent most of the day playing Meteos, playing with friends and picking up stuff in our yard. Finally, about a half an hour ago, we get power back, but our alarm system goes off, and I have to throw the main circuit and reset the whole system to disarm it. Believe me, that siren is LOUD!

Anyways, I return. :jay:

sounds fun... i love those kinds of storms though, they're awsome... we have them here, we just get 110 MPH winds, no tornado's that often though...
PIRANHA2 said:

sounds fun... i love those kinds of storms though, they're awsome... we have them here, we just get 110 MPH winds, no tornado's that often though...
Well, we had Tornadoes and Microbursts. >__>
PikMino42 said:
PIRANHA2 said:

sounds fun... i love those kinds of storms though, they're awsome... we have them here, we just get 110 MPH winds, no tornado's that often though...
Well, we had Tornadoes and Microbursts. >__>
Microbursts are fun... i watched my neighboors trampoline blow over 2 giant fences and land on someone elses roof... it was awsome

PIRANHA2 said:
PikMino42 said:
PIRANHA2 said:

sounds fun... i love those kinds of storms though, they're awsome... we have them here, we just get 110 MPH winds, no tornado's that often though...
Well, we had Tornadoes and Microbursts. >__>
Microbursts are fun... i watched my neighboors trampoline blow over 2 giant fences and land on someone elses roof... it was awsome

The problem is that there are trees where I live and I can't see a thing. <__<
Lucky, we don't get anything serious around here.

-_- But that could be a good thing, considering that I live in a major city...
PikMino42 said:
PIRANHA2 said:
PikMino42 said:
PIRANHA2 said:

sounds fun... i love those kinds of storms though, they're awsome... we have them here, we just get 110 MPH winds, no tornado's that often though...
Well, we had Tornadoes and Microbursts. >__>
Microbursts are fun... i watched my neighboors trampoline blow over 2 giant fences and land on someone elses roof... it was awsome

The problem is that there are trees where I live and I can't see a thing. <__<

you know, desert, is used WAY mildly here... a desert gets less than 25 inches of rain a year... i think we broke that this year... but yeah, we have tree's

:p we have tons of them... alot of them here are over 100 years old... it sucks to see one of those fall... they're so old, they are awsome.

yeah, anyway, we are as green as the next state... i just wish our mountain hadn't caught fire a few years back... that ate half of the evergreens...

Southern Utah has nothing... they've got bushes, n'stuff.... they are an amazing 2 feet high... and spikey >_<
Wow. I'm glad you're okay, and you're not typing this from a hospital computer. Anyways, I hope no one you knew was hurt, and any damage that you have on your home isn't very costly.
I was BARELY missed by that tornado, Mino... We could've benn hit, too (Minnetonka). It's very lucky that you escaped the wrath of the tornado, and they usually aren't pitiful.


Well, the main thing is that you and your family are okay.

we had a bad storm last night. me and my sister were home alone, she was screeming and stuff. then there was a HUGE streak of lightning and a REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUND thing of thunder. it scarred the crap outa me :lol: there was high winds and lots of rain, thunder and lightning but no torandos. tornados i think look awsome on video and stuff but when the siren goes off it scares me. Not because theres a tornado, but because the siren is RIGHT ACCROSS THE FRICKING STREAT FROM ME!!!!!!! i've never been where there was a tornado, i've never had one tuch the ground

but i think the scarryist thing that ever happened to me was last hollowen. There was a party nextdoor to my house so we went over there. it was really windy. some kids were on a swingset and i was standing overthere watching them. we heard an old tree behind the swingset crack. one of the adults told us to get away from the swingset and the trees incase one fell. so we stared playing tag sorta far away. then i looked tward the trees and... "HOLY CRAP THE TREE IS FALLING" it was falling on some POWER LINES!!!!!! AHHHH! sparks flew everywere and it was making that electric buzzing noise in cartoons. a fire stared. everyone was running and screeming. it was scarry
That sounds like fun.


And no, I don't think that anyone I know got hurt, but one person died, I know.

I remember going downstairs and watching the weather man draw two lines on either side of our city then a smaller line right over our house.

:p That's where he said that tornadoes will be.

PikMino42 said:
That sounds like fun.


And no, I don't think that anyone I know got hurt, but one person died, I know.

I remember going downstairs and watching the weather man draw two lines on either side of our city then a smaller line right over our house.

:p That's where he said that tornadoes will be.

Well, that's comforting to hear. Not.
Bulerias said:
I was BARELY missed by that tornado, Mino... We could've benn hit, too (Minnetonka). It's very lucky that you escaped the wrath of the tornado, and they usually aren't pitiful.


Well, the main thing is that you and your family are okay.

Maybe I shouldn't move to Minnesota after all....if you have a lot of tornadoes, that is.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:
I was BARELY missed by that tornado, Mino... We could've benn hit, too (Minnetonka). It's very lucky that you escaped the wrath of the tornado, and they usually aren't pitiful.


Well, the main thing is that you and your family are okay.

Maybe I shouldn't move to Minnesota after all....if you have a lot of tornadoes, that is.
Wait, were you going to?

Just ask Bulerias and Yoshi, they'll tell you.
