Devoted to Buck! (UK)
I finally got a Cool balloon!

i am delusionalPietro's reached 18k!I'm gonna be spending the rest of my confetti on his balloons tonight, and I know a few of my other friends are as well. I don't think all of us combined can get him to the next threshold of 19800, but I still think it's great that our community got him this high regardless. :>
I’m pretty sure the unlocks are done. I might be wrong though.What balloon are people hoping for to be unlocked in the shop? O:
No they're not, people got their balloon tokens today and they haven't been revealed yet. From Jeremy:I’m pretty sure the unlocks are done. I might be wrong though.
We'll leave it open longer than September 1st since accepting the event entries ended up taking longer than anticipated. Let's plan for the new date to be September 7th with the final balloon token transformations occurring around 9:00 PM EDT.
Yep, had to read up!No they're not, people got their balloon tokens today and they haven't been revealed yet. From Jeremy: