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United States [CLOSED] Trading Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards! [CLOSED]

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I've had a hectic month and I am able to start trading again!

I currently have: Isabelle, Dom, Judy, Petri, and Roswell up for trade!
Hi! I have an extra Raymond, Reneigh, Marlo, and Zoe. Let me know if you'd like to trade!
Are you still only trading S5s for S5s? I have a 212 Timmy and could use 424 Isabelle - though I get if you’re only trading S5 specials for each other given the scarcity.
Are you still looking for those series 5 villagers (non-SP’s)?
Hi! Sorry for the late response I've been so busy throughout the holiday season. Unfortunately, I traded all of my cards already. Thank you for reaching out tho! I hope you had a great holiday season. :)
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Are you still only trading S5s for S5s? I have a 212 Timmy and could use 424 Isabelle - though I get if you’re only trading S5 specials for each other given the scarcity.
Hi! Sorry for the late response I've been so busy throughout the holiday season. Unfortunately, I traded all of my cards already. I was originally trading S5 for S5 unless someone had multiple S1-4's to trade for S5 cards. Anyways, I'm sorry for responding to your message so late but I hope you had a great holiday season. :)
Hello everyone!

Now that amiibo cards are back in stores I've been purchasing packs and I have a bunch of duplicates that I want to trade! I finally updated my stuff and now my excel sheet doesn't look too long lol

But here's a list of what I'm looking for and what I'm trading. They're categorized by series! :)


PS I will not remove those marked with "IN DISCUSSION," "WAITING TO RECEIVE," OR "PACKED & SHIPPED" until both the trader & I receive our cards.

PSS Feel free to trade cards that I am not looking for. I am willing to trade with you if I have something that you want but have nothing that I am looking for. I really want to finish this collection as I have yet to finish any of the series. Thank you!

Anyways, I can't wait to hear from you all as we try to finish collecting these cards! Talk to you all soon! :D

Hello I have 426 Megan, 432 Reneigh, 437 Marlo and 442 Zoe if you're still looking for them
Hello I have 426 Megan, 432 Reneigh, 437 Marlo and 442 Zoe if you're still looking for them
Hello, I'm sorry for seeing this so late. Unfortunately, I stopped trading cards back in the middle of December as I ran out of cards to trade along with the fact that it was discontinued. I thought I closed this post when I responded to those who were still trying to trade so I must have forgotten since I had a crazy two months. Again, I'm so sorry for seeing this so late and for not being able to trade. I do hope you find/found the cards you've been looking for though!
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Which cards do you have for trade. I can only see the ones you're looking for on your list
Hi! Unfortunately, I stopped trading cards back in the middle of December as I ran out of cards to trade along with the fact that it was discontinued. Which is why the excel sheet only showed what I'm looking for.
Anyways, I thought I closed this post when I responded to those who were still trying to trade so I must have forgotten since I had a crazy two months. I'm sorry for seeing this so late and for not being able to trade. I do hope you find/found the cards you've been looking for though!
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I have Egbert and Jambette. I can't see what's on your FT list as well though
Hi! Unfortunately, I stopped trading cards back in the middle of December as I ran out of cards to trade along with the fact that it was discontinued. Which is why the excel sheet only showed what I'm looking for.
Anyways, I thought I closed this post when I responded to those who were still trying to trade so I must have forgotten since I had a crazy two months. I'm sorry for seeing this so late and for not being able to trade. I do hope you find/found the cards you've been looking for though!
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